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We shall return to the Mamund Valley and have a further opportunity of studying its people and natural features. "When the wild Bajaur mountain men lay choking with their blood, And the Kafirs held their footing..." "A Sermon in Lower Bengal," SIR A. LYALL. Few spectacles in nature are so mournful and so sinister as the implacable cruelty with which a wounded animal is pursued by its fellows.

She herded the incredulous crowd out into the garden again, all in their Hightums, every one of them, only to meet Lady Ambermere with Pug and Miss Lyall coming in. "Better be going, Miss Lyall," she said. "Kindly run out and find my people. Oh, here's Mrs Lucas. Been very pleasant indeed, thank you, good-bye. Your charming garden. Yes." "Oh, but it's very early," said Lucia.

He hated "morbid and introspective tales, with their oceans of sham philosophy." At this time, with catholic taste, he read Mr Stevenson and Mr Meredith, Miss Braddon and Mr Henry James, Ouida and Mr Thomas Hardy; Mr Hall Caine and Mr Anstey; Mrs Oliphant and Miss Edna Lyall. Not everybody can peruse all of these very diverse authors with pleasure.

Considering the great disparity of numbers, the loss to Clive's force was ridiculously small. Indeed, as Sir Alfred Lyall justly observes in his interesting review of The Rise and Expansion of the British Dominion in India, the so-called battle of Plassey was a rout rather than a battle.

Stead, whose Review of Reviews always struck him as only a degree less comic than the books of that arch-humorist Miss Edna Lyall, or the bedroom imaginings of Miss Olive Schreiner. The villagers of Chenecote gaped open-mouthed at his green carnation and crimped hair; and the exhortation as delivered in a presto mumble by Mr.

The name and thought of the divine Father established, we may leave name and thought to be invested with their full significance in the fulness of time. "It is with Pantheism, not Polytheism, that a rising morality will have to reckon," says Sir Alfred Lyall. The result of all our observation has been different.

Other works by him are The Life of Faith , Reasons of the Christian Religion , and Christian Directory . Practical Works in 23 vols. edited with memoirs by W. Orme, also Lives by A.B. Grosart , Dean Boyle , and J.H. Davies . Novelist, wrote several stories under the name of "Edna Lyall," which were very popular.

Brahmanism is being employed by a number of recent writers in place of the older Hinduism. Sir Alfred Lyall uses Brahmanism in that sense; likewise Professor Menzies in his recent book, Brahmanism and Buddhism.

Macneill & Co., who had branched off from the firm of Begg Dunlop & Co., had their first offices in the building now in the occupation of the Exchange Gazette Printing Office and Mackenzie Lyall & Co's Furniture Range; afterwards they removed to the Strand at the north-west corner of Canning Street, and then established themselves in their present premises to which they have made considerable additions and improvements.

You only said he was fond of hymns and had no sense of humour." I will put you between Lord Bowen and Sir Alfred Lyall.