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It is extremely improbable that they came into being or even started to come into being by mere chance alone. The odds are countless millions to one against the atoms, molecules, and cells myriads in number of any one of these organs of adaptation having by mere chance grouped themselves in such a way as to form an effective eye, or lung, or leaf.

Fournier describes a soldier of thirty years, of middle height, well proportioned and healthy, who was killed in a duel by receiving a wound in the abdomen; postmortem, the heart was found in the position of the right lung; the two lungs were joined and occupied the left chest. The anomalies of the vascular system are so numerous that we shall dismiss them with a slight mention.

Whatever suspicions he may have entertained unofficially the night before he could now openly and quickly verify. He took a little piece of lung tissue and with sharp sterilised knife cut it up. Then he made it slightly alkaline with a little sodium carbonate, talking half to us and half to himself as he worked.

In the mid-autumn of the next year it was in fact the very day on which the glorious news of Yorktown reached Albany a second little boy was born. He was a fair-haired, slender creature, differing from the other as sunshine differs from thunder-clouds. He had nothing like the other's breadth of shoulders or strength of lung and limb, and we petted him accordingly, as is the wont of parents.

One lung was badly inflamed, the doctor said; it was a mystery to him, he kept telling them, how she had kept up so long; an ordinary girl would have given in and taken to her bed long ago. But then he was not acquainted with the indomitable spirit and pluck that were Judy's characteristics.

Somewhat fatigued!" exclaimed the alferez. "Why, he must be exhausted. What did you think of the sermon this morning?" "Superb, gigantic!" said the Notary. "To be able to speak like Father Dámaso, a man needs lungs," observed Father Manuel Martin. The Augustine did not concede more than lung power. "And such easiness of expression," added Father Salví.

Smollett's more practical and immediate object in making this pilgrimage was to interview the great lung specialist, known locally to his admiring compatriots as the Boerhaave of Montpellier, Dr. Fizes.

Nevertheless, if you will now bring our agreeable conversation to an end by releasing this inauspicious person he will consider the matter with the most indulgent sympathies." "Withhold!" exclaimed a harsh voice before Hien could reply, and from behind a tree where he had heard Thang-li's impolite reference to himself Tsin Lung stood forth.

Slingsby stated that his examinations had revealed that death had been caused by a bullet wound which had penetrated the left lung, causing internal hemorrhage. Mr. Finnis, the junior counsel for the defence, suggested to the witness that the wound might have been self-inflicted, but Dr. Slingsby permitted himself to be positive that such was not the case. With professional caution he assured Mr.

The assassin placed his knee on the prostrate figure and plunged his knife three times in the breast, once through the heart and once through each lung. He had learned the art in butchering cattle. Fifty yards away the mangled bodies of William and Drury Doyle lay on the ground with the dim figure of the assassin bending low to make sure that no sign of life remained.