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Cuthbert, is the rude effigy of the saint which once surmounted his tomb, and here also is the "Aisle of Tombs," a chain of fourteen monumental effigies of the Lumleys, dating from Queen Elizabeth's reign. It dates from the time of Edward I., but has been much modernized, the chief apartment in the interior being the Great Hall, sixty by thirty feet, with the Minstrel Gallery at the western end.

Men with names belonging to the proudest French nobility the De Lusignans, De Clissons, De Lumleys, De Bourbon-Chalens, etc., are chartering vessels, arriving in Rome by scores and hundreds, and hence hurrying to the front to take their places as privates in the Zouaves. That, however, does not describe the most important sphere of their activity which was the ante-chamber, nay, the boudoir of St Cloud.

"Are the Lumleys all right? Are they still there, at the Forks?" she asked, after the little paroxysm of coughing. "Cleaned out all scattered. We own the Lumleys' place now," replied Black Andy, with another sidelong glance at his father, who, as he put some more wood on the fire and opened the damper of the stove wider, grimly watched and listened.

You have acted like a true little woman just as Maggie would have done and good may come of it, although they'll always be Lumleys. As Webb says, it would require several generations to bring them up. Haven't I given you a good lesson in contentment?" "Yes; but I did not need one. I'm glad I went, however, but feel that I cannot rest until there is a real change for the better." "Well, who knows?

"You can see the Lumleys' place from your window, Cassy," said Black Andy grimly. "We got a mortgage on it, and foreclosed it, and it's ours now; and Jerry Lumley's stock-riding for us. Anyhow, he's better off than Abner, or Abner's wife." Cassy turned at the door and faced him.

"Are the Lumleys all right? Are they still there, at the Forks?" she asked, after the little paroxysm of coughing. "Cleaned out all scattered. We own the Lumleys' place now," replied Black Andy, with another sidelong glance at his father, who, as he put some more wood on the fire and opened the damper of the stove wider, grimly watched and listened.

"You can see the Lumleys' place from your window, Cassy," said Black Andy, grimly. "We got a mortgage on it, and foreclosed it, and it's ours now; and Jerry Lumley's stock-riding for us. Anyhow, he's better off than Abner, or Abner's wife." Cassy turned at the door and faced him.

Modes of life in the mountains were familiar to him, and with the consciousness of having done a kind deed from which further good might result, he was in a mood to speak freely of the Lumleys, and the story of their experience was soon drawn from him.

"Are the Lumleys all right? Are they still there, at the Forks?" she asked, after the little paroxysm of coughing. "Cleaned out all scattered. We own the Lumleys' place now," replied Black Andy, with another sidelong glance at his father, who, as he put some more wood on the fire and opened the damper of the stove wider, grimly watched and listened.

At the dinner-table be remarked: "I have heard to-day that the Lumley family are in great destitution, as usual. It is useless to help them, and yet one cannot sit down to a dinner like this in comfort while even the Lumleys are hungry." "Hunger is their one good trait," said Webb. "Under its incentive they contribute the smallest amount possible to the world's work."