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For him this ball was merely herself. There was not another woman in the room for him. He told her this and other things. Moreover, the sound of it was quite new to her. For the modern young man does not make serious love to such women as Agatha Ingham-Baker. La discretion d'un homme est d'autant plus grande qu'on lui demande davantage. "I want you to ask me to dinner!"

My indifference or harshness served equally to increase the evil I desired to check. "Que le dedain lui sied bien!" I once overheard her say to her mother: "il est beau comme Apollon quand il sourit de son air hautain." And the jolly old dame laughed, and said she thought her daughter was bewitched, for I had no point of a handsome man about me, except being straight and without deformity.

"The Chevalier being one day in a very large party of both sexes, in which, though his appearance had more of the old soldier in it than of the character he was compelled 'malgre lui', to adopt, many of the guests having no idea to what sex this nondescript animal really belonged, the conversation after dinner happened to turn on the manly exercise of fencing.

Dice lui, pero! Mezzo. Farabutto! Mortacci sui! Ma ascolta! Cinque la testa piu...

"How couldn't you feel us to be the last the very last?" asked Mr. Probert with great gentleness. "How couldn't you feel my poor son to be the last ?" "C'est un sens qui lui manque!" shrilled implacably Mme. de Cliche. "Let her go, papa do let her go home," Mme. de Brecourt pleaded. "Surely. That's the only place for her to-day," the elder sister continued. "Yes, my child you oughtn't to be here.

But not even the praises paid to the "Misanthrope," though a piece of a mood much higher than "Le Médecin malgré lui," satisfied Molière. "Vous verrez bien autre chose," said he to Boileau, when the latter congratulated him on the success of the chef-d'oeuvre which we have just named.

I stayed, against the Emperor's orders, five days too long at Odessa that was all yes, you see, a little French actress who was there, who sang operettas; oh, how she did sing operettas! Offenbach, you know;" and the General tried to hum a bar or two of the 'Dites lui', with ludicrous effect. "Charming! To leave her, ah! I found that very hard.

When they were torn apart, the oak was scarred but not irreparably injured, it was the ivy that was destroyed. In, "Elle et Lui," George Sand claims that hers was a protecting love for the wayward, gifted child of art, the poet whose ingratitude she bore with, whose nerves she soothed, and whom she cared for and nursed in illness.

But now-a-days, as the rustic physician says in Molière's play of the "Médecin Malgré Lui," "nous avons changé tout cela." Modern science has shown conclusively that every kind of chemical atom is composed of particles of one original substance which appears to pervade all space, and to which the name of Ether has been given.

I have spent my time extremely pleasantly. But one must know where to stop. I will let you go till lunch time and I will go and look after my business. My secretary, you saw him Constantin, c'est lui qui est mon secretaire must be waiting for me by now. I commend him to you; he is an excellent, obliging young man, and quite enthusiastic about you. Au revoir, cher Dmitri Nikolaitch!