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The great Soviet armies are now initiating crushing blows. Overhead vast Allied air fleets of bombers and fighters have been waging a bitter air war over Germany and Western Europe. They have had two major objectives: to destroy German war industries which maintain the German armies and air forces; and to shoot the German Luftwaffe out of the air.

Ivery lane we'd ride down some guy in a storm trooper uniform would stop us. I kept pawin' out me Luftwaffe card all o' the time." O'Malley grinned. "So you got out and joined up with the British and then with us." Stan poked another stick of wood into the stove. O'Malley yawned again and eyed his cot. "If you insist on keepin' the fire goin', I'll catch me a couple o' winks o' sleep."

He had three mechanics helping him, with Hans giving his orders to the two who spoke no English. As he worked he began to wonder if he had not been neatly tricked. He was sure that at least one of the men hanging around watching him was a Luftwaffe pilot. No one interfered with his work or tried to tell him what to do.

He's probably wondering why we aren't bombing him, now." "He doesn't know we've sold the Palace to King Jonkvank for an army," von Schlichten said. "And that reminds me; how much contragravity could Firkked scrape together, for an attack on us? I've been expecting a geek Luftwaffe over here, at any moment." Colonel Cheng-Li studied the smoking tip of his cigarette for a moment.

"6/10 cloud over station six." Station six was a Luftwaffe fighter field. The colonel scowled and shook his head. "Are the big boys going out?" "Yes, sir. Conditions over target are very good." Weather grinned when he said it. "We won't get much of a whack at the Jerries," the colonel said rather testily. "The Forts and Libs will make it through," Weather said with a lot of cockiness.