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GERMANS, One Battle Cruiser LUETZOW 26,180 tons One Pre-dreadnought, POMMERN 13,200 " Four Light Cruisers, WIESBADEN 5,400 " ELBING 4,500 " ROSTOCK 4,900 " FRAUENLOB 2,700 " Five Destroyers, V-4 570 " V-48 750 " V-27 640 " V-29 640 " S-33 700 " Total 60,180 tons Personnel, killed and wounded: BRITISH, about 6,600: GERMANS, 3,076. Comdr.

Here, in this conservative old town, began one of the most extraordinary relations between man and woman in modern German literary history. Immermann fell in love with Countess Elisa von Luetzow-Ahlefeldt, wife of the famous old commander of volunteers, Brigadier-General von Luetzow.

Immermann wrote a number of dramas, highly romantic, in which the passion and strife within him found varied expression. The play which made him known beyond his immediate circle, was Cardenio and Celinde, the conflict of which was suggested by his own. Elisa was finally divorced from Luetzow. Immermann was appointed a judge in Magdeburg, and later in Duesseldorf. He asked Elisa to marry him.

And as he used to forget it with each new attempt, he never succeeded in resigning himself to it. He used to talk of Regulus, and Arminius, of the soldiers of Luetzow, of Koerner, and of Frederic Stabs, who tried to kill the Emperor Napoleon. His face would glow as he told of incredible deeds of heroism.