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Pellew, John Jay, 59-228; E. J. Lowell, Hessians; Charles Borgeaud, Rise of Modern Democracy; M. C. Tyler, Literature of the Revolution, II.; L. Sabine, American Loyalists; H. B. Carrington, Battles of the Revolution; W. B. Weeden, New England, II. chs. xx, xxi.; W. G. Sumner, Financier and Finances of the American Revolution.

"Memorial History of Boston," ii, 31. "They nourished by your indulgence? They grew up by your neglect of them!" Barre's speech in Parliament, February, 1765. "Memorial History of Boston," i, 340, 376. See, on this point, Sabine's "American Loyalists," 7. Bancroft's "United States," ed. 1855, v, 265. References to Bancroft will at first be to this edition. Bancroft's "United States," v, 266.

The place was at first commonly called "Simonds' Point" but about the year 1776 the name of "Portland Point" seems to have come into use. Nevertheless, down to the time of the arrival of the Loyalists in 1783, the members of the company always applied the names of "St. Johns" or "St.

The fever for volunteering, which laid hold on the middle classes after the series of regrettable incidents of the winter, raged violently among the Irish Loyalists. Nowhere were the recruiting officers more fervently besieged than in Dublin.

She treated the Loyalists with a liberality far exceeding that of the United States to the war-worn soldiers of Washington. John Howe was rewarded with the offices of King's Printer, and Postmaster-General of Nova Scotia, Cape Breton, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, and the Bermudas.

And, lest there should be any doubt about this interview, it is added that many loyalists, both before and after, penetrated into the gloom of her prison-cell, and all but one contrived to evade being detected.

The election was conducted after the old fashioned style of open voting, and lasted several days, during which the poll was held in succession at the principal centres. After a sharp party contest between the old inhabitants and the loyalists, the former were outvoted and Simonds and Beckwith consequently defeated.

The crown officials and over-zealous Loyalists, during this period, resisted this demand for a removal of the troops. The officers urged that a military force was needed to support the King's authority; the Loyalists said that it was necessary to protect their lives and property; and the Ministry viewed it as vital to the success of their measures.

That it must be immediate he was well aware, as no doubt these rebels would not be long in carrying out their evil and treacherous designs upon the newcomers. His mind naturally turned to Jean. Suppose that band of men before him should sweep down unexpectedly upon the little settlement below Oak Point, how much mercy would they be likely to grant the Loyalists?

Granted that they supposed they were right in upholding government against rebellion; yet the law of consequences accepts no excuse for over-conservatism. He who fails to keep step with the march of events falls behind and suffers the consequences. The Loyalists were on the losing side and suffered the common fate of the conquered. War is abnormal.