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From this retreat, she faltered forth a very tremulous No, which in another moment was disavowed by a Yes so faint it was little more than a murmur, followed by a still fainter, Tell me. But he did not seem in any haste to obey, sweetly as her low-toned injunction must have sounded in his ears.

An' you de bez man I evva know in my life, 'Sieur Grandissime!" Her hands shook. "A man w'at nevva wan' to gid marri'd wid noboddie in 'is life, and now trine to gid marri'd juz only to rip-ose de soul of 'is oncl' " M. Grandissime uttered an exclamation of protest, and she ceased. "I asked you," continued he, with low-toned emphasis, "for the single and only reason that I want you for my wife."

'Dead! she gasped, pale-cheeked and low-toned. 'Mosk dead! 'As a door nail, rejoined George, admiring his present; 'he hanged himself last night with his braces, so the gallows have lost a victim and Beorminster society a sensation trial of 'George! cried Mab, in alarm, 'don't talk so; you will make aunty faint.

There was naught for Paul of Merely to do but draw his own weapon, in self-defense, for the sharp point of the boy's sword was flashing in and out against his unprotected body, inflicting painful little jabs, and the boy's tongue was murmuring low-toned taunts and insults as it invited him to draw and defend himself or be stuck "like the English pig you are."

He looked convinced, and Mr. Durant looked astonished and troubled; there was much low-toned talk between them and some shaking of head. Apparently, however, Mr. Ried came off victor, for his brow cleared, and he presently made his way to Mrs. Roberts' side and said a few words, and must have been gratified by the sudden lighting up of her face and her eager: "Oh, what a nice thought!

"In the talk this morning there was some reference made to your father and his attitude in this fight, Evan. Do you remember what was said?" "Perfectly." "Well, suppose I should tell you that I know now what I didn't know certainly then that when you hit out at us you hit him?" "You mean that he is with you in this scheme to hoodwink the people?" "Ask yourself," was the low-toned reply.

Tom looked up, half ashamed, half flattered, the charm of Lord Claud's presence beginning at once to make itself felt. "My lord, I could not think you wanted such a humble person as myself! And you had but to send me a line to Master Cale's if you did," he stammered. Lord Claud dropped into the seat next him, laughing a light, low-toned laugh. "I like your simplicity, my honest Tom.

"He's putting it in position and we shall wade out and join it," she answered, in her low-toned voice. "But how shall we make the island, without oars or sails?" "Don't you see that current running away from land? See, he is approaching it. That will take us straight there." "But how can you get back?" "There is a way; but we need not think of that today."

The eagerness of delight with which he listened to every word uttered by the low-toned and gentle voice was almost painful; and yet he knew it not. He was as one demented. This was Gertrude White speaking, walking, smiling, a fire of beauty in her clear eyes; her parted lips when she laughed letting the brilliant light just touch for an instant the milk-white teeth.

It is so difficult to secure audience with the Living Buddha that I was very glad to have this opportunity offered me. Our auto soon drew up at the gate of the red and white striped wall surrounding the palace of the god. Two hundred Lamas in yellow and red robes rushed to greet the arriving "Chiang Chun," General, with the low-toned, respectful whisper "Khan! God of War!"