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Some men and women were looking at the huge Macdonald machine over in the farthermost corner; one by one they passed out at the east door at last she was alone with her loving thoughts in this cool sanctuary of industry. She noticed a chisel lying behind the stone on which she sat; she turned and picked it up.

Bébée was only a little foundling who ran about in wooden shoes; but she had the "dog's soul" in her the soul that will follow faithfully though to receive a curse, that will defend loyally though to meet a blow, and that will die mutely loving to the last.

"Don't you think that is sensible?" Her father closed his eyes for a moment. Then he whispered: "So you don't love him." Beatrice had to stoop to catch the words. "You can't be expected to love people that make you unhappy." "Oh, can't you?" he asked. "Can't you? Did you never think that loving someone is the bravest thing in the world?

When home held mother and father and everything that could make a girl contented, she had not felt, or rather, listened to it; she compelled herself to be without it; but now, when they were left alone, when their daily life and happiness was so utterly dependent upon each other, she began to realize how she was out of the loving circle that bound her sisters together, and what a gulf of her own make, seemed to lie between them.

"Have a drink?" demanded the other abruptly. He had caught the sign of danger. They strolled into the buffet, arm-in-arm, one loving the world in general, the other hating everybody in it, including the General.

And she has been telling me what Adam has done, for these many years, to help his father and his brother; it's wonderful what a spirit of wisdom and knowledge he has, and how he's ready to use it all in behalf of them that are feeble. And I'm sure he has a loving spirit too.

But this incident had occurred eight years ago, when she was scarcely thirteen. Until then she had literally grown up like a weed or a wild rose a half-savage little creature of the Cumberlands, loving passionately, hating blindly, doing all things with the full intensity of a vivid, whole-souled temperament.

He said: "Friends, I am not very well provided for, myself, but still I would not turn my back on a homeless orphan. If he will go with me I will give him a home, and loving regard I will do for him as I would have another do for a child of my own in misfortune."

Alas for Mark, also for Helen, that both should be so cruelly deceived. Had the latter known of the loving words sent from the true heart which longed for some word of hers to lighten the long march and beguile the tedious days of absence, she would not have said to Katy, when asked if going to Mrs. Grandon's, "Oh, no; please don't urge me. I would so much rather stay at home."

It is a physiological fact long demonstrated that persons possessing a loving disposition borrow less of the cares of life, and also live much longer than persons with a strong, narrow and selfish nature.