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Take me away, carry me away in your arms, so that I may go and die in the street, where the passers-by, at least, will take pity on my sufferings!" She was growing weak again, and had once more fallen on her back, stammering, talking childishly. "Besides, nobody loves me," she said. "My father was not even there. And you, my friend, forsook me.

"You can do it. You only! He loves you!" Berenice smiled, although her eyes were wet with tears. She laid her long, delicate fingers upon the other's hand. "But, my dear child," she protested, "what can I do? Mr. Mannering won't come near me. He won't even write to me. I can't take him by storm, can I?" "He is so foolish," Hester said, also smiling.

She was so happy that she felt as if she could fly on wings. "Do the others do Faith and the boys have the same idea you had about stepmothers?" "No. Faith never believed Mary Vance. I was dreadfully foolish to believe her, either. Faith loves you already she has loved you ever since poor Adam was eaten. And Jerry and Carl will think it is jolly.

Now, tomorrow night, you know, is prayer-meeting night, and I know you won't forget me. I will close with love from one that dearly loves you and who will always pray for you. I remain as ever, Yours in Christ, E K . P.S. My husband wishes to be remembered to you. I hope that you will come to see me soon. Write soon. Dear Mama Roberts: I am learning about Jesus day by day.

Spring! with all your searching east winds, with your late, shriveling frosts, with your occasional untimely sleets and snows, you are yet as much better than summer as hope is better than fruition. J'aime, I love. Tu aimes, Thou lovest. Il aime, He loves. It runs in my head like some silly refrain. I meet Bobby. I also meet Vick, my little shivering, smooth, white terrier. They both join me.

When the one man loves the one woman and the one woman loves the one man, the very angels leave heaven and come and sit in that house and sing for joy." They are the men we are converting. Think of it!

Mother of God, my boy is dead, and since then I have been an outcast and his slave they have slaves here in Granada, Senor dependent on him for my bread, forced to do his bidding, forced to wait upon his other loves; I, who once was the sultana; I, of whom he has wearied. Only to-day but why should I tell you of it?

And Aram himself dwelt with a more lively and detailed fulness, than he was wont, on the prospects they were to share, and the security and peace which retirement would instill into their mode of life. "Is it not," said he, with a lofty triumph that we shall look from our retreat upon the shifting passions, and the hollow loves of the distant world?

A man can be born again; the springs of life can be cleansed instantly so that the heart loves the things that it formerly hated and hates the things that it once loved. If this is true of one, it can be true of any number. Thus, a nation can be born in a day if the ideals of the people can be changed.

"That doesn't excuse him," said the general, severely. "Any man who fails in his duty because he succumbs to a woman's wiles, even though that woman loves him, has no plea to urge in justification. He is a soldier. His duty to obey orders is first of all." "But but you don't understand. I I kept him there by force, sir. Major Lacy told me of the expedition he and Mr.