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In the meantime, you may find existence in these wilds and away from that good company which is the soul of life endurable, and perhaps pleasant. You may have daily sight of the lady who is to become your wife, and that should count for much with so ardent and determined a lover as your lordship hath shown yourself to be.

"And, what is more, my father is not competent to transfer his property, and I will fight you through every court in the land." "I was coming to you, madame," sneered Simon. "I don't know much about the courts in this part of the country, but you will marry me to save the life of your lover." "No!" she answered, setting her teeth.

Here she would have been as happy as the day is long, had it not been for the continual sorrow for her lover." The captain began to look a little suspicious, but Valmai hastened to prevent further interruptions. "But now comes the wonderful part of the story, uncle.

"A bolt," said her lover. "Good! Now this is the third: 'Who is that pedestrian who walks fully armed, seasons dishes, and in his sides has two darts? He swims across the water without the help of a boatman." "A lobster." The princess clapped her hands and begged him to guess the fourth.

Diana had always had a special liking for van Hert, and had said so openly; but as he had for some time been presented in her mind as her cousin's lover, there had been no reason why the liking should grow to anything warmer, and probably it never would have.

All that was styled disinterestedness, modesty. Not a bit of it. It was pusillanimity and a sense of servile fear. La Valliere would have liked to enjoy her handsome lover in the shade and security of mystery, without exposing herself to the satire of courtiers and of the public, and, above all, to the reproaches of her family and relatives, who nearly all were very devout.

He said he was, and he would be very happy to go with Miss Phillips as he had nothing particular to do, and Phillips was out, and Jane had the children at their lessons, and he did not find it amusing to be left TETE-A-TETE with Mrs. Phillips. Miss Harriett was quite unaware of her own weakness, or she never would have asked a lover to go with her in a draper's shop.

Of course, poor Matilda was again tormented by hearing that Sir Theodore was universally believed to be her affianced lover, and she expressed the most unqualified vexation at the report, declaring that she would not go once into public again for seven years, rather than encourage the presumption of the man, or the idle gossip of his admirers.

This told Mavis what straitened circumstances her lover was in. He asked what she had done with the gold-mounted dressing case, and, if it were still in her possession, if she could possibly let him have the loan of it in order to weather an impending financial storm.

"From a lover, who will not be back at Leghorn for a week or ten days." "Where has he gone?" "To London on business; I was under the charge of a woman whom he trusted." "That's enough; I pity you, my poor Betty. Tell me if you love your Englishman, and if he is worthy of your love." "Alas! I loved him dearly till I saw this Frenchman, who made me unfaithful to a man I adored.