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" 'Les tigres, les pantheres, les loups, les ours et autres animaux feroces, aussitot, O Khoutoukhtou! qu'ils te verront et entendront le son des six syllabes ils adouciront leurs hurlemens, et leur fureur sanguinaire se changera en douceur bienveillante.

A yule feast may be quit at Pasch. A good dog never barkt but a bene. A full seck will take a clout on the side. An ill hound comes halting home. All things helps quoth the Wran, when she pisht in the Sea. All cracks, all beares. All Houndlesse man comes to the best Hunting. All things hes an end, a Pudding hes twa. All is well that ends well. As good hads the stirep as he that loups on.

Augt. 3d Camped on the upper point of a large Sand bar L. S. Misquters verry bad. Some place near Conncill Bluff will be the most proper place for a tradeing establishment, for maney of the nations, the distance is to the Ottoes one Days, Ponies 11/2 days, to the Mahar, 2 days, to Loups 2 Days & a half 16 or 1800 men-and convenient for Some bands of the Sues,

Nay, they will even order the small boys to hold the string higher. I have smiled at this, but it was the same courage while the difficulty is far off that took me to the Loups. At sight of them I turned away. I prayed to God for a little of the mettle of other men, and He heard me, for with my eyes shut I seemed to see Margaret beckoning from across the abyss as if she had need of me.

He bethought him of a couplet that Grizzie had taught him when he was a child: Whan the coo loups ower the mune, The reid gowd rains intil men's shune. And in after-life he thought not unfrequently of this odd vision he had had.

"Do you say so?" "Young Kinnordy's ettling to come out, and I meet Lord Airlie, when the moon rises, at the Loups o' Kenny, and auld Bradwardine's as spunky as ever, and there's fifty wild Highlandmen lying ready in the muckle cave of Clova." He spoke so earnestly that Corp could only ejaculate, "Michty me!" "But of course they winna rise," continued Tommy, darkly, "till he lands."

"Let the wise chief have no cares for his journey," continued Hard-Heart with an earnest solicitude, that led him to forget, for the moment, that others were waiting to address his adopted parent; "a hundred Loups shall clear his path from briars."

When he did approach nigh enough to converse with facility, it was with a singular mixture of haughtiness and of distrust. "It is far to the village of the Loups," he said, stretching his arm in a direction contrary to that in which, the trapper well knew, the tribe dwelt, "and the road is crooked. What has the Big-knife to say?"

Do not the Omahaws visit the Loups, when the tomahawk is buried in the path between the two nations?" "The Omahaws are welcome." "And the Yanktons, and the burnt-wood Tetons, who live in the elbow of the river, 'with muddy water, do they not come into the lodges of the Loups and smoke?" "The Tetons are liars!" exclaimed the other. "They dare not shut their eyes in the night.

Darion to make a peace with all the nations in the neighbourhood, Mahas, Porncases, Panic, Loups, Ottoes and Missouries- & to take to the President Some of the Gt Chiefs of each nations who would accompany him allso to do certain other things, and wrot Instructions- gave him a flag and Some Cloaths- the Chiefs Sent all their young men home, and they Stayed for Mr.