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"You see a good part of it will go under this plait. Oh Lilian, do not mind such little things." The insolent manner had hurt the girl keenly. Louie was on the promotion list and would graduate in June. She held her head very high. Her father had promised her a handsome watch with a beautiful neck chain that could be detached when required and she felt sure of it now. Mrs.

He peruses the slangily worded ads of the "classy clothes" tailors, and when scarlet cravats are worn the small-town boy is not more than two weeks late in acquiring one that glows like a headlight. Louie found a rooming-house, shoved his suitcase under the bed, changed his collar, washed his hands in the gritty water of the wash bowl, and started out to look for a job. Louie was twenty-one.

I swear I can fix it up with Louise. I swear I can fix anything." With that, Pan strode across the dew-wet grass to the trees under which stood Blinky's wagon. There was no sign of the girl. Pan breasted the wagon side to look down. She was there, wide-eyed, with arms under her head, staring at the colored leaves. "Morning, Louie, how are you?" he began cheerfully, smiling down upon her.

Then wakening up he drew the book he was binding towards him again. 'She must have been precious glad to have you to do for her, Louie, he said contentedly. 'Do for her? Louie opened her eyes. 'As if I could be worrited with her! I had my work to do, thank you. There was a niece used to come in and see to her. She used to get in my way dreadful sometimes.

Meanwhile, in David's little back room, which he had already swept and garnished for after his letter of the night before, he had somehow expected Louie, to rush upon him by the earliest possible train the meeting of these long-sundered persons took place. David saw Reuben come in with amazement. 'Why, Uncle Reuben! Well, I'm real glad to see you.

'The chilt looks as thoo she'd been fed on spiders or frogs, or summat o' that soart. At this moment David came in, just in time to prevent another explosion from Louie.

Phillipa rose presently, went cautiously to the door and placed the key on the outside, then locked it softly. Louie might sleep half an hour. Just as she turned Zay ran into her arms. "Oh Phil we've just had word. The steamer will be in this evening. Aunt Kate has sent over and I am to be dismissed. We go to New York tomorrow morning.

"And I want a tour abroad a winter or summer in Paris which is most attractive, and there may be a little chance of some one leaving father a fortune. Oh, let us go just for the fun if nothing else," and Louie glanced up in her radiant prettiness. There is something tempting to the young in a peep in the wide mysterious future.

Louie hesitated a moment. To provoke Aunt Hannah too much might, indeed, endanger the blue frock. But daring and curiosity triumphed. 'I doan't care! she said, tossing her head; 'I'm gooin. David slammed the yard gate, and, hiding himself in a corner of the cowhouse, fell into moody meditations.

As for Louie, during the description of the Queen's dress she had drunk in every word with a greedy attention, her changing eyes fixed on the speaker's face. When he stopped, however, she drew a long breath. 'It's aw lees! she said scornfully. 'Howd your tongue, Louie! cried David, angrily. But 'Lias took no notice. He was talking again very fast, but incoherently.