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If the fellow thought he was a stranger, all the better. Still, it did not matter much. Already the whisky was whipping the man's brain to quicker action, loosening his tongue that had already been set wagging by fever. "Think you can stand it to ride?" he asked solicitously. "I can heave you into the saddle, if you can stand being moved.

Not that the nation, as a whole, was yet prepared to move; every revolution, till 1848, was partial in the sense that the mass of the people stood aloof, because unconvinced of the possibility of loosening their chains.

I worked hard and feverishly, loosening the ground with the pick, filling the sieve with my bare hands, sifting out the sand, and sorting what remained. However, no more diamonds could I find. This I munched as I worked. More and more people arrived. Soon the thudding of picks and the "whish, whish" of sieves sounded from every direction. Some one shouted.

Not having understood the purport of his whisper, the little creature turned her perfectly colourless face and deep dark eyes towards him; but without loosening her hold in the least. The whisper was repeated. 'Mama! said the child. The little voice, familiar and dearly loved, awakened some show of consciousness, even at that ebb.

Mary has not succeeded in loosening your sandal, but the physician who is paid to attend on the factory people will be here directly, and will order what is proper for your poor foot. The manager is having a litter fetched for you. Where do you live?" "We?" cried Selene, alarmed. "No, no, I must go home." "But my child you cannot walk farther than the court-yard even if we both help you."

Also he knew when to let go There was a flash the rock splintering crash of echo, the whinnying scream and leap of the horse shot by the falling weapon Rider and beast hurtled backwards, the man's foot caught to one stirrup There was the crackling of slate and shale the gash and rasp and wrench of loosening rock masses sliding down down down and yet down, with knocking echoes; with laughter of terrified scream from the echo rock across the gorge pound and plunge from ledge to ledge the horse's body turning twice as it struck and bounced out a cloud of dust the shout, the blasphemy, the cry of rage, then the shrill scream of death terror that echoed and echoed The old man looked down!

"Well, what were you doing here then, huh?" the officer asked gruffly. "Yer gave'm the tip, didn't yer?" "You let go, I'm not going to run away," Pee-wee said. "Do you think I'm scared of you? You let me go!" "Do yer know what an accessory is?" Detective Spotson demanded, loosening his grip somewhat. "It's something you buy to put on an automobile," Pee-wee said.

I am my own mistress responsible to no one. I choose for myself I dare for myself!" And when at last she rose, first loosening and then twisting the black masses of her hair, it seemed to her that the form in the glass was that of another woman, treading another earth. She trampled cowardice under foot; she freed herself from "was uns alle bändigt, das Gemeine!"

Regarding loose jewels, I am not so sentimental as to refuse using some shellac, if the burnished lip has been so thin as to be partially gone, thus loosening the jewel to hold in the jewel, by taking small and minute particles, and placing around the edge of the jewel, and then holding the plate or bridge over an alcohol flame, and allowing the shellac to flow around the jewel and fasten it firm, and by this process I have kept jewels firm in place for years, with no other attention than the first, and as a rule this can be done and not show.

From where they stood it was easy for them to reach out and haul me in after them, as a bale of merchandise swinging from a hoisting pulley is hauled in through a window. Loosening the slip-knot they fastened into it the rope which had been coiled about my body, and giving it a jerk as a signal the whole was drawn up out of sight.