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The share-holders were thoroughly disgusted with the British Columbia end of the business, and were on the lookout for a victim. Naturally their choice fell upon the manager. The concern failed to pay. It was the manager's business to make it pay and the failure must be laid to his charge.

She is human, like yourself, and young too, probably, and needs diversion. Don't begrudge it to her when it is of the right kind. Like you, she needs rest occasionally, between whiles; make an opportunity for it. She needs good strengthening food; see that she has it, and if she prefers plain living and high thinking on bread and tea, that's her own lookout.

Lying along its eastern shore a low ridge stretched away northward, and east of this again the lakes. We thought this might perhaps be the Indian inland route to George River, which Mr. Low speaks of in his report on the survey of Michikamau. Far away in the north were the hills with their snow patches, which we had seen from Lookout Mountain.

That day the fifteen stolen horses, urged forward by grimy, swearing Mexicans and a white man or two, trotted heavily southward, keeping always to the sheltered draws and never showing upon a ridge until after a lookout had waved that all was well.

Every man of them was clearly on the lookout for the carriage, and had a word of respectful greeting for his returning master, while what was perhaps stranger still Don Hermoso seemed to intimately know every man, woman, and child on the place, though there were hundreds of them.

An admirer of Jimmy's, a journalist continually on the lookout for copy, wrote him up for the paper at space rates. It is reported upon reasonably reliable authority that Jimmy's last words, in a faint whisper, were: "Money could not have bought " And then he went on his way. So it was, too, with a tobacconist whom I knew who had an article framed which referred to his shop.

Tubbs sat at the feet of Aunt Jane, reading aloud from a volume entitled Paeans of Passion, by a celebrated lady lyric poet of our own land. After my meeting with Captain Magnus in the forest, Lookout Ridge was barred to me. Crusoe and I must do our rambling in other directions. This being so, I bethought me again of the wrecked sloop lying under the cliffs on the north shore of the cove.

Sargent felt that his experiment, rash as it might be considered, vindicated his wisdom by its success. At the end of a month he voluntarily raised Rodney's salary to twenty dollars a week. "I am afraid you are overpaying me, Mr. Sargent," said Rodney. "That's my lookout. Good service is worth a good salary, and I am perfectly satisfied with you." "Thank you, sir.

"Now all I have to say is this: if, when she's regularly started, she sees some other young fellow she likes better than you, you're to give her up without making a fuss." "Of course. Naturally, she would have to be free to do as she chose in the long run. I'm not afraid of losing her " "That'll be your own lookout. You'll be on the spot, and will have as good a chance as anybody else.

For what seems to be a greenish-brown, knobby log of wood floating on the water, has little bright eyes which are on the lookout for anything which moves. And below the water two great jaws are ready to open and swallow in the prey of Mr. Hungry-Mouth.