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He therefore gave up the farming occupation by which he had hoped to make himself a master-farmer, and left the spot to return to his mother. 'As soon as he got back to Longpuddle he found that Harriet had already looked wi' favour upon another lover. He was a young road-contractor, and Jack could not but admit that his rival was both in manners and scholarship much ahead of him.

'Now on that very day old Philip Hookhorn was down at Longpuddle Spring dipping up a pitcher of water; and as he turned away, who should he see coming down to the spring on the other side but William, looking very pale and odd.

Five-and-thirty years ago, when I was a boy of eleven, my parents emigrated across the seas, taking me and my sister with them. Kytes's boy Tony was the one who drove us and our belongings to Casterbridge on the morning we left; and his was the last Longpuddle face I saw. We sailed the same week across the ocean, and there we've been ever since, and there I've left those I went with all three.

'I was speaking of Upper Longpuddle more particular, continued the carrier hardily, 'and I think I know most faces of that valley. 'I was born at Longpuddle, and nursed at Longpuddle, and my father and grandfather before me, said the passenger quietly.

Old figures have dropped out o' their frames, so to speak it, and new ones have been put in their places. You mentioned Tony Kytes as having been the one to drive your family and your goods to Casterbridge in his father's waggon when you left. Tony is, I believe, living still, but not at Longpuddle. He went away and settled at Lewgate, near Mellstock, after his marriage.

She and her good-man found that they could not live comfortably at Longpuddle, by reason of her connection with Jack's misfortunes, and they settled in a distant town, and were no more heard of by us; Mrs. Palmley, too, found it advisable to join 'em shortly after. The dark-eyed, gaunt old Mrs. Winter, remembered by the emigrant gentleman here, was, as you will have foreseen, the Mrs.

Beyond all doubt the horse was gone. "Hark!" said Gabriel. They listened. Distinct upon the stagnant air came the sounds of a trotting horse passing up Longpuddle Lane just beyond the gipsies' encampment in Weather- bury Bottom. "That's our Dainty-i'll swear to her step." said Jan. "Mighty me! Won't mis'ess storm and call us stupids wen she comes back!" moaned Maryann.

I solemnized the service, Hardcome having told me, when he came to give notice of the proposed wedding, the story of his first wife's loss almost word for word as I have told it to you. 'And are they living in Longpuddle still? asked the new-comer. 'O no, sir, interposed the clerk. 'James has been dead these dozen years, and his mis'ess about six or seven. They had no children.

Probably, Miss Fancy Day never before or after stood so low in Mr. Dewy's opinion as on that afternoon. In fact, it is just possible that a few more blue dresses on the Longpuddle young men's account would have clarified Dick's brain entirely, and made him once more a free man. But Venus had planned other developments, at any rate for the present.

Just as if I didn't live at Upper Longpuddle at all! And I've come to meet you as you asked me to do, and to ride back with you, and talk over our future home since you asked me, and I promised. But I shouldn't have come else, Mr. Tony!" "Ay, my dear, I did ask ye to be sure I did, now I think of it but I had quite forgot it. To ride back with me, did you say, dear Milly?" "Well, of course!