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Nothing seemed to live or move in this world, except a lizard that whisked its grey-green length across the road, a long-legged bird which hopped gloomily out of the way, or a few ragged black and white sheep with nobody to drive them.

Several times he had met Mary Hope here at the Tooth, when he was just a long-legged youth with a fondness for teasing, and she was a slim, wide-eyed little thing in short skirts and sunbonnet. Always the meetings had pretended to be accidental, and always Mary Hope had seemed very much interested in the magnificent outlook and very slightly interested in him.

The skipper stared at Curlie for a full moment as if attempting to determine whether he were insane, then turned in silence to his wheel. The wind blew the door shut and Curlie resumed his long-legged, short-legged march. He had done three turns around the deck when his eyes caught a small figure crumpled up on the pile of ropes forward. "Hello," he cried, "you out here?"

Every other moment she gave a glance at the stranger she had taken in; but never a word he spoke, and the sense of mystery grew upon her. Presently came a great bounce and scramble; the latch jumped up, the door flew open, and after a moment's pause, in came a sheep dog a splendid thorough-bred collie, carrying in his mouth a tiny, long-legged lamb, which he dropped half dead in the woman's lap.

She met several of the guests, but assiduously avoided them, until at last she saw the thin, long-legged keeper going towards his cottage with Dash, the faithful old spaniel, at his heels. When she hailed him he touched his cap respectfully, changed his gun to the other arm, and wished her "Guid-mornin', Miss Gabrielle," in his strong Scotch accent.

Yes, plenty of them, but she sends them all about their business, and seems to have no mind that way." "Perhaps she is in love with her cousin, that long-legged, strong-armed, wooden-headed Master Brome." "Oh! no, Senor, I don't think so; no lady could be in love with him he is too stern and silent." "I agree with you, Senora. Then perhaps he is in love with her."

That horse could go, and that and that. "A dozen or so is about as many as we better take," he said to one who worked near him. "No turn that one back. I know he's a good one, but his mane and tail, and them white stockings behind, they're too easy reco'nized. That long-legged bay, over there he's got wind; look at the chest on 'im! Forequarters like a lion. Haze him out, boys."

That was enough at least for one night. He stepped forward and grasped Pawson's hand, his well-knit, alert body in contrast to the loosely jointed, long-legged, young attorney. "I must thank you, Mr.

On the top step, at opposite ends, sat two young people one of them a rosy-cheeked girl, in the bloom of early youth, with a head of rebellious brown hair. She had been reading a book held open in her hand. The other was a long-legged, lean, shy young man, of apparently twenty-three or twenty-four, with black hair and eyes and a swarthy complexion.

"'Tis the dregs of thy guinea, child, that Paris and Hugon and I drank at the crossroads last night. 'Burn me, says I to them, 'if that long-legged lass of mine shan't have a drop in the cup! And say Hugon" What Hugon said did not appear, or was confided to the depths of the tankard which the minister raised to his lips.