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Watching it, fascinated, trying in vain to make out details, he was startlingly beset by the strangest among many strange sensations that had visited his imaginative brain: nothing less than a revival of the long-ago dream-feeling, the strange sense of familiarity he knew! Beyond all cavil, he knew every line of that looming shadow, every curve of the hills.

Edward Pierson thought: 'Nice couple! And had a moment's vision of himself and Leila, dancing at that long-ago Cambridge May Week on her seventeenth birthday, he remembered, so that she must have been a year younger than Nollie was now! This would be the young man she had talked of in her letters during the last three weeks. Were they never going to stop?

He had that directness which, though seeing all ways for it is not the same thing as simplicity yet never doubted as to the only one possible for himself. On that long-ago day on the cliffs near St. Renny, when he had played with the notion of running away to sea, he had known all along in his heart that that way was not for him.

Hence the vacant lots are often lighted up; barrels, boxes, and fences disappear; and one almost believes that part of the charm of smoking is in the very making of the smoke and seeing it unwind into greater mystery as did incense from thousands of altars in the long-ago.

I don't quite know myself this morning," he replied brusquely. "We have a picture of you, but it's a long-ago one, and I thought by this time you would be old, and and bent over, you know, the way grandpas are." Even in that place of drays and at eight o'clock A.M. these words fell not disagreeably upon irritated ears. "I think myself Nature did not intend me to be a grandpa," he replied.

When Francesca had been away from her Town residence or had been confined to her bedroom through illness, the great picture with its stately solemn representation of a long-ago battle-scene, painted to flatter the flattery-loving soul of a warrior-king who was dignified even in his campaigns this was the first thing she visited on her return to Town or convalescence.

He sighed with the air of an old man looking back on the long-ago days of youth. "You lay to it we 'as," said Mr. Beale; "but this 'ere back-yard, it ain't a place where dogs can what you call exercise, not to call it exercise. Now is it?" "Well, then," said Dickie, "let's get a move on us." "Ah," said Mr. Beale, laying his pipe on his knee, "now you're talkin'. Get a move on us.

And the little reminiscences and allusions to the long-ago days when all the young interests of Jacinth Moreland and Myrtle Harper were shared together, with which the old lady's talk was so interspersed, in no way bored or wearied this girl of to-day, as it might have done some of her contemporaries.

And now, as he stood for a moment listening to the low sweep of the wind in the spruce-tops, it seemed to him that the night was filled with whispering voices of that long-ago and he shivered, and held his breath. A cloud had drifted under the moon. For a few moments it was pitch dark. The fingers of his hand dug into the rough bark of a spruce. He did not move.

These two are memorials of the long-ago bridal trip to New Orleans and the French Market.