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What actually occurred during the interview I do not know. Across the table at luncheon, Rayne suddenly asked me: "You know Italy well don't you, Hargreave?" "I lived in the Val d'Arno for several years before the war," I replied. "My people rented a villa there." Then, turning to Lola, he asked: "Would you like to go for a trip to Italy with Madame and Hargreave?" "Oh!

"Of course, at the moment of dreaming I thought I was witnessing a real race, not the portent of one," said Lola; "otherwise I should have particularly noticed all helpful details." "The Derby isn't run till to-morrow," said Mrs. de Claux; "do you think you are likely to have the same dream again to-night? If so; you can fix your attention on the important detail of the animal's appearance."

Neither we nor the American police have yet been able to connect him up with Grell. We're still trying, though. Sooner or later we shall get hold of something. And there's Lola. If we could have got Wills to identify her as the veiled woman, we should have had a very good excuse for arresting her in spite of her alibi. She's the sort of woman who would prepare an alibi.

It would be delightful, dad!" she cried. "Can we go? When?" "Quite soon," he replied. "I want Hargreave to go on a mission for me and you can both go with him. It would be a change for you all." "Delightful!" exclaimed the well-preserved Madame Duperré. "Won't it be fun, Lola?"

"Why shouldn't I take the bull by the horns and bring my mother and Lola together?" I gasped. "My dear boy," said I. "Do you want to kill me outright? I can't stand such shocks to the imagination." "But it would be grand!" he exclaimed, delighted. "Why shouldn't mother take a fancy to Lola? You can imagine her roping her in for the committee!"

She was a plump girl, with eyes like splinters of coal in her suave brown face; despite the extreme softness of her voice, these glittering splinters rested with no gentle ray on Lola. Indeed, Jane's pride in having her charge well-dressed operated largely against the girl's popularity with others of her mates than Ana.

Dujarrier was challenged to a duel by Beauvallon, a political enemy; and when Lola was on her way to stop the meeting she met a mournful procession bringing back her dead lover's body, on which she flung herself in an agony of grief and covered it with kisses.

The effort evoked in my mind a picture of Lola lithe, seductive, exotic, with gold flecks in her dusky, melting eyes, with strong shapely arms that had as yet only held me motherwise, with her pantherine suggestion of tremendous strength in languorous repose, with her lazy gestures and parted lips showing the wonderful white even teeth, with all her fascination and charm a picture of Lola such as I had not seen since my emergence from the Valley a picture of Lola, generous, tender, wistful, strong, yielding, fragrant, lovable, desirable, amorous a picture of Lola which I could not put before this other woman equally brave and straight, who looked at me composedly out of her calm, blue eyes.

A plague on Captain Vauvenarde for running away from his wife; for giving up the army; for not letting me know whether he is alive or dead; for being, I'll warrant him, in the most uncomfortable and ungetatable spot on the globe. A plague on Dale for becoming infatuated with Lola Brandt.

The pride and daring of place were not for her. It never once crossed her mind to be reserved or haughty- -to be other than she had been. After the performances she rode to her room with Lola, in a carriage provided. Then came a week in which the first fruits of success were offered to her lips bowl after bowl. It did not matter that her splendid salary had not begun.