United States or Cyprus ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Stock was improved, the cultivation of root crops was encouraged, and the economizing of fertilizers. "By the third principle, the money, the health, and the industry of the people were conserved, that they might all be devoted to the work before them. "I am in candor compelled to say that I did not introduce the local-option principle into Vineland from any motives of philanthropy.

An important function of the local voters is the decision under the local-option system that prevails in the East, as to whether the sale of intoxicating liquors shall be licensed for the ensuing year; under an increasing referendum policy the acts of the State legislature are frequently submitted for review to the local voters.

The Local-Option Law of Vineland was not established, therefore, by temperance men or total-abstinence men only, but by the citizens generally, upon broad social and public principles. It has since been maintained in the same way. Probably not one tenth of the number of voters in Vineland are what may be called total-abstinence men.

No presidential election had come near to rivaling it, and the local-option issue had stirred up fewer heartburnings and given rise to less bellowing and to fewer hard words. The town meeting was less than a month away. But even in the heat of the campaign Scattergood found time to drive out to Xenophon Banks's.

Statutes of this kind led to renewed conflict between State and Federal authority. Virginia adopts the statute against giving tips or any commissions; see p. 244 above. In 1908 we find more parole and probation laws, two prohibition and three local-option laws, and four new pure-food statutes.