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On that hard Pagan World disgust And secret loathing fell; Deep weariness and sated lust Made human life a hell. But the servants of the Galilean, more persecuted than any other men, walked abroad with a gladness which was at once the perplexity and the condemnation of the time.

"I I hate you!" she cried in a voice of loathing "That's all right," he told her serenely; "I've despised myself all evening." The girl showed him a scornful back. "Papa " she began. "Don't thank me, Josie. Roland done it all: he got onto him." Lockwood continued to watch Duncan with the air of a cat eyeing a mouse. Impulsively Josie moved to Roland's side and caught his arm.

That the virile faculty and power with such is weakened even till it ceases; and that after this there commences cold towards the sex; and that cold is succeeded by a kind of fastidiousness approaching to loathing, is well known, although but little talked of.

Yes, he was interested, and the energetic sense of loathing for the negro proved it. The music, loud and strident an ordinary Italian piano-organ having been introduced amongst the Oriental instruments banged on, and then abruptly came to a stop when the negro cracked his whip.

In after years, as we shall see, Knox spoke in a tone much more moderate in addressing the early English nonconformist secessionists . Indeed, it is as easy almost to prove, by isolated passages in Knox's writings, that he was a sensible, moderate man, loathing and condemning active resistance in religion, as to prove him to be a senselessly violent man.

It was hailed with joy by advanced thinkers in the cities, and with loathing by the clergy, the nobles, the wealthy, and the peasants. But, though the Cortes sowed the seeds of political discord, they took one very commendable step.

The brisk ride in the fresh air did Elsie good, and she returned quite calm and composed, though still very sad. Fanny was in waiting to arrange her dress again, and when that was done, went down to bring up her supper. It was more tempting than usual, but Elsie turned from it with loathing. "Do, Miss Elsie, please do try to eat a little," urged Fanny, with tears in her eyes.

Consequently, the discovery of Jimmy's double life had filled her with both sorrow and loathing; sorrow at the thought that a Grierson should have been so weak and foolish, loathing at the conduct of the woman who led him astray.

'The deed we compass, dear Marquess, is none of the choicest, remember, said he. The Marquess then saw that Austria's broad leather back was covered with flies. This quickened his loathing. 'By our Saviour, he said, 'one must hate a man very much to talk against him here. 'Do you hate enough? asked Saint-Pol. The Marquess stared about him. He saw the Archduke peacefully twiddle his thumbs.

With a sudden gesture of loathing she threw off his hand, struck her palms together, and he started at the expression that seemed literally to blaze in her eyes, so vivid, so withering was the light that rayed out. "Yes, the truth escaped my lips. The honourable name of Laurance is talismanic, and offers much to Odille Orme; yet I will stain my soul with no dissimulation.