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She knew that it was her lot to be driven about slowly in a carriage with a livery servant before her and another behind her, and then eat a dinner which the cook-maid would despise.

"The system won't accept destruction on any othah tomes," said Miss Woodburn, demurely. At the reception, where two men in livery stood aside to let him pass up the outside steps of the house, and two more helped him off with his overcoat indoors, and a fifth miscalled his name into the drawing-room, the Syracuse stone-cutter's son met the niece of Mrs.

Don't always give them the white, and keep the yolk for yourself. You know your duty. Haste you back home, then, and do it." "I will not be put off in such a way, sir. You must interfere in this matter: make these silly women behave themselves. I cannot have the whole country-side talking of my affairs." "Me interfere! No, no! I am not in your livery, squire; and I won't fight your quarrels.

The others were too much absorbed in the horse and sleigh to offer to release the dog. "What's the name of the horse?" asked Dot. "I forgot to inquire," Sam answered. "So you may call him anything you like. He lives at the livery stable and you might name him after his master, Walter Rock. Call him Walt for short, you know."

Does she consent to live in Osterno?" "Oh, yes. I think so." "Um m!" "What did you say?" "Um m," repeated Steinmetz, and the conversation somewhat naturally showed signs of collapse. At this moment the door was opened, and a servant in bright livery, with powdered wig, silk stockings, and a countenance which might have been of wood, brought in a letter on a silver tray.

Being honored with the wearing of His Majesty's livery, I cannot conceive why it should not be displayed before his enemies as well as to his friends. Mr. Christie: never having journeyed without an attendant, I do not now propose to attempt the experiment. Mr.

In a very few days she had him dressed to her heart's content, and the satisfaction of her mistress, who would not have him in livery, but in a plain suit of dark blue cloth: for she loved blue, all her men-people being, or having been in the navy. Thus dressed, he looked as much of a gentleman as before: his look of refinement had owed nothing to the contrast of his rags.

Every one wants old Ebony in its own gentlemanly wear: but much as is implied in the livery of the Edinburgh Review, and many as are its admirers among the literary freethinkers of the eastern states, it is curious that no one cares twopence to see it in any other than a semi-newspaper shape, and that Reprint and Co. have never thought of reproducing it in all the splendour of its popinjay surtout.

I could have been two years ago, but mother did not like me to put on livery, and I don't know how I'll face her when I come running down to go out with the carriage." "Is the place vacant?" Esther asked, raising her eyes timidly, looking at him sideways. "Yes, Jim Story got the sack about a week ago. When he had taken a drop he'd tell every blessed thing that was done in the stables.

There was such a quick circulation of domestics in the family, that every suit of livery had been worn by figures of all dimensions.