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'No, no, thank you, said Henry huskily, as with the driest of throats, and a perceptible shudder, he turned to go away; the Doctor pausing to caress little Mab, and say, 'I had better take home this poor little thing. She may come to harm here, and may be a comfort to the sister.

Two things that never found entrance there are dust and noise. A lonely goldfinch hangs in a wicker cage from the rafters, and utters from time to time a little shrill call. His note and the metallic tick-tick of Madeleine's clock alone enliven the silent flight of time. She sat down in the low chair where she knits after dinner. "Madeleine, I am about to be married; did you know it?"

White, whom he knew well, was one of the party, and the other three were Russians. They had secured a first-class compartment, and as soon as they started they rigged up a table with one of the cushions and began to play whist. "You don't play, I suppose, Godfrey?" Mr. Robson said. "No, sir. I have played a little at my father's, but it will be a long time before I shall be good enough to play.

This judgment is thoroughly borne out by the Bishop's own letter to his sisters of October 27, wherein it appears how considerable an element of his enjoyment and comfort was Mr. Codrington's own companionship, partly as a link with the younger members of the little community:

"I shall come and look for you to-night," he said, squeezing close, "but if you hurry away I think you will be in time." Then he pressed a last thimble on her sweet little mouth, and covered his face with his hands so that he might not see her go. "Dear Peter!" she cried. "Dear Maimie!" cried the tragic boy.

Let us look at one or two illustrations. "What a Plant Did." A little plant was given to a sick girl. In trying to take care of it, the family made changes in their way of living, which added greatly to their comfort and happiness. First, they cleaned the window, that more light might come in to the leaves of the plant.

Yet Voltaire did not need the patronage which was essential for poor men of genius like the playwrights of the famous generation preceding his own. He had private means which he invested profitably, being little anxious to endure the insults commonly directed at poverty and learning.

" fell off a roof on a rainy day and was picked up by a man with a horse and buggy quite unconscious." The next three weeks were busy times for Percy. He wore Tish's blanket for two days, and then, finding it in the way, he discarded it altogether. Seen in daylight it was easy to understand why little Dorothea was in love with him.

Then he turned once more to Wendot with a kindly though penetrating smile. "In the absence of your father, Wendot, you are the master and guardian of this castle, its occupants and its treasures. I render my little daughter into your safe keeping. Of your hands I shall ask her back when I return in a week's time." Wendot flushed with pleasure and gratification.

The day at last came for their return to the city and to the work they were so much better able to do. The little, green-painted house was in spotless order to leave behind. As Mrs. Camp was to come the following day, they had filled the little pantry with food not remarkably light cake or bread, not especially flaky piecrust, but everything flavored with sympathy and gratitude and good will.