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Since coffee that morning the lonely train had offered nothing more nourishing than the endless Hungarian wheat-fields, with their rows of peasants, men and women, working comfortably together, and rows of ploughs creeping with almost incredible leisure behind black water-buffalo cattle; but as we rolled down into Predeal through the rain, there, at last, in the dim station lamps, glittered the brass letters and brown paint of the Compagnie Internationale des Wagons Lits and something to eat.

Eighty-four lits de maître, and servants' beds in proportion, were made up, we understood, during a visit paid to the count by the present king, then Count of Provence. These hospitable doings, however, were not to last long.

Hephzy, having asked me to translate the heading "Compagnie Internationale des Wagon Lits" on the bill of fare, declared she couldn't see why a dining-car should be called a "wagon bed." "There's enough to eat to put you to sleep," she declared, "but you couldn't stay asleep any more than you could in the nail factory up to Tremont. I never heard such a rattlin' and slambangin' in my life."

And when a bunch of people are out at a lake, say, you don't ever catch 'em singing Vaugner or Lits or Gryge or any of them guys. If they don't sing, 'In the Good Old Summer-Time, it's 'Old Black Joe, or 'Nelly Was a Lady, or something that's really got some melody to it." The neophyte was lured from her new-won altar.

For one horrible moment I thought it was going on through in spite of its promissory signal. Britton went one way and I the other, with our umbrellas ready. Up and down the line of wagon lits we raced. A conductor stepped down from the last coach but one, and prepared to assist a passenger to alight. I hastened up to him. "Permit me," I said, elbowing him aside.

«Ces terrains sont couverts par un si grand nombre de courans, qu'il n'en est aucun ou l'on n'en aperçoive, soit dans des ravins, soit entre des montagnes. J'ai observé que la superficie des terrains qui en avoisine les lits, est plus unie aux confluens, plusieurs de ces courans se réunissent. Cela vient de ce que l'éminence, qui se trouve au confluent, paroît avoir été diminuée