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R.M. 1, 13: et milites pro frumento hordeum cogerentur accipere. Similitudinem vini. Beer, for which the Greeks and Romans had no name. Hence Herod. Corruptus. Cum Tacitea indignatione dictum, cf. 4: infectos, so Guen. But the word is often used to denote mere change, without the idea of being made worse, cf. Virg. Geor. 2, 466: Nec casia liquidi corrumpitur usus olivi. Here render fermented.

At liquidi fontes et stagna virentia musco Adsint, et tenuis fugiens per gramina rivus " And shall be surrounded with beds of violets and lavender and such blue flowers as bees especially love. When, Narcissus, I glance over the hedge at the back of the house and behold Captain Runacles' two acres lying waste, cumbered like a mining country with the ruins of his mechanical toys, I have a mind to "

'Tis said, that the light of the sun is not one continuous thing, but that he darts new rays so thick one upon another that we cannot perceive the intermission: "Largus enim liquidi fons luminis, aetherius sol, Irrigat assidue coelum candore recenti, Suppeditatque novo confestim lumine lumen." Just so the soul variously and imperceptibly darts out her passions.

His face was mild and grave as at our first meeting. At the sound of my footsteps he picked up his Virgil and motioned me to be seated. "Let me see," he began: "liquidi fontes, was it not?" and forthwith began to dictate at his accustomed pace. "But seek a green-moss'd pool, with well-spring nigh, And through the grass a streamlet fleeting by.