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He had been born into greater poverty than the others; he received his young impressions through a different atmosphere; he was keener, more artistic, more impulsive, more generous, more full of genius. I lost him by a cruel accident, and again the world seem to liquefy beneath my feet, and the waters went over my soul. It became necessary that I should suffer bodily to cure my heart-bleed.

If he does not eat, he must drink; his diet is soup. As meat is a compact substance, which does not liquefy of its own accord, there must, in that case, be a certain recipe to dissolve it into a fluid broth. Let us try to surprise the maggot's secret.

All at once we find that a simple substance changes face, puts off its characteristic qualities and resumes them at will; not merely when we liquefy or vaporize a solid, or reverse the process; but that a solid is literally transformed into another solid under our own eyes. We thought we knew phosphorus. We warm a portion of it sealed in an empty tube, for about a week.

Now after this statement, it is clear that what the low-temperature worker does when he would liquefy a gas is to become the champion of the force of cohesion. He cannot directly aid it, for so far as is known it is an unalterable quantity, like gravitation. But he can accomplish the same thing indirectly by weakening the power of the rival force.