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"In my young days that was quite ordinary," Mr. Linton put in. "I always danced that way and I was remarkably run after," he added, modestly. Whereat Wally meekly assured him that he thought the practice a highly desirable one, and had serious thoughts of adopting it himself. "I've been looking at the programme nailed up for the musicians," said Cecil.

Linton did not reply to this, I believe; and, in a fortnight more, I got a long letter, which I considered odd, coming from the pen of a bride just out of the honeymoon. I'll read it: for I keep it yet. Any relic of the dead is precious, if they were valued living.

The young man opened his eyes as if awakened from sleep, stared about till they rested on Miss Linton, when they closed again, and he drank the stimulant with difficulty. "Stand back, please. Captain Smithers, keep every one away, and let us have all the air we can."

"The snake has bitten me," said the young man, hoarsely, as he dashed its head rapidly against one of the chairs, and then cast it, broken but writhing, upon the white deck. All this took but a few moments, and then Private Gray stood, gazing with a strange wild longing look at Miss Linton, as the doctor exclaimed, "Quick, Roberts, to my cabin; the ammonia. Ladies, go away, please, quickly."

"You had not been gone above a couple of hours before, as we were sitting smoking and chatting, and thinking of turning in, first one and then another began to complain of pain and drowsiness. "The major there was the first to take alarm, thinking it was cholera; but it was Mr Linton who saved us.

He stepped away from the girl, leaving her standing there. She was a picture to confute slander. The chairman gazed at her in astonishment. He had not expected such prompt incarnation of the topic. "I know what foul lies have just been uttered in this room by that fellow!" Harlan leaned forward and drove an accusatory finger at Linton. "Now here stands the woman you have insulted.

He'd lift his muzzle and bay at the very idea until some stranger terminated him. Well, he's my cross; I s'pose I've got to bear him." "Who is Mr. Linton?" the Countess inquired, as she and Pierce left the village behind them. "Just an ordinary stampeder, like the rest of us. I think." "He's more than that. He's the kind who'll go through and make good. I dare say his partner is just like him."

'Yes, yes, papa, answered Catherine: 'but I do want to see him; and he hasn't once looked out. The carriage stopped; and the sleeper being roused, was lifted to the ground by his uncle. 'This is your cousin Cathy, Linton, he said, putting their little hands together. 'She's fond of you already; and mind you don't grieve her by crying to-night.

Of course his friends must have been apprised of all that had occurred during his absence; still it was very strange that the "most intimate acquaintance of Lady Linton" had not been made acquainted with the fact. All at once, however, she brightened. Mrs. Farnum had been traveling in America also, for how long she did not know, and perhaps that accounted for it.

They did not even know that she was from England; she confided that fact to Virgie alone, simply to further her schemes regarding her. Lady Linton uttered a sigh of relief over this letter. Her brother would not find his wife in New York, and his journey would be all in vain, she told herself, and yet she would not feel at ease until she had him safely at home again.