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Now, Cranmore wires me in code from Limasito that someone down there is mightily interested in our titles and leases and particularly in what new fields we're opening up. I tell you, if you don't get in touch with that old woman soon, somebody will beat us to it as sure as you're alive." "I have got a line on her." Wiley paused to light a cigar.

Am I imagining things, or have you been ill?" "I had an accident just after you left Limasito. It was nothing serious, just a slight concussion, but it laid me up for some weeks," Thode replied easily. "That is what delayed my work and prevented my return before." He looked beyond her as he spoke, and his face darkened swiftly.

When I reached home that night, a letter in your handwriting was put before me; a letter which seemed to prove that you you had known before ever Mr. North came to Limasito who I was and that you had planned to marry me. Oh, can't you understand?" "A letter in my handwriting?" he repeated slowly. "It could not be " "But it was!" Willa laughed, but there was a little running sob through her words.

Her eyes sought his in a defensive, questioning stare as she held out her hand. "Your visit is a surprise, Winnie. I thought I was not aware that any of my friends knew where I was." "No one does but me. I followed your chauffeur. Please, don't be angry! I was so afraid I should lose you; that you would return to Limasito before I had an opportunity to see you, that I was desperate."

I recall vaguely being lost in the snow and I have often heard Dad speak of Hillery's kindness and care; he used to say that the trapper had saved both our lives. A number of people in Limasito have heard the story from his own lips, Jim Baggott and Henry Bailey and Rufe Terwilliger but Rufe is dead now, he was killed in El Negrito's raid "

May I remind you that you have fulfilled my prophecy? Just to look at you now makes me half believe those Limasito days were a dream!" "They're still real to me," Willa said gravely. "They are the only real things and real people I have known. All this up here oh! it's very pleasant, of course, and new and amusing, but it doesn't reach deep down. It doesn't seem to mean anything." "So soon?"

He realized that Wiley would not have selected a woman from either Victoria or Limasito to play the part for she might have been recognized, so he scouted around in the neighborhood of the Lost Souls' Pool itself, and found that a poor, old, half-witted creature, who had lived all her days in a wretched hovel near the Trevino hacienda, had suddenly come into money from a mysterious source, and moved away.

"I've been just 'Billie' to all Limasito since the first well was spudded in; you don't want the boys to think you're putting notions into my head, do you?" She smiled, frankly. "I hated you because I'd bragged to you that I could take care of myself and nobody would molest me in these parts, and then you had to come along just when it looked as though I was a maiden in distress.

I've got to play a lone hand, but when it's over, I I don't know. I haven't made any plans beyond that." "But surely you don't intend to remain here in Limasito all your life?" "Why not?" She shot a swift glance at him. "It was good enough for Dad." "But not for you. That's the point.