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"Never trust a negro," is the maxim given by the writer of those instructions. I was frequently cautioned not to believe any statements made by negroes. They were charged with being habitual liars, and entitled to no credence whatever. Mrs. B. constantly assured me the negroes were great liars, and I must not believe them.

And well, personally, I'd prefer incompetent honest servants to competent ones who were liars or thieves." "Sometimes I think," said Davy, "that the only thing to do is to burn the world up and start another one." "You don't talk like a man who expected to be elected," said Jane. "Oh I'm worrying about myself not about the election," said Hull, lapsing into sullen silence.

"And what may it be?" said another. "We are all liars," he quickly answered. "O tempora!" said the Lady Lucia. "It is an evil day, especially among men. When Quinta Claudia went with her noble sisters to meet the Idaean mother at Terracina they were able to find in Rome one virtuous man to escort them. But that was more than two hundred years ago."

Find me anywhere a band of men who flaunt themselves in an equal denial of the virtues proper to man, who parade themselves as cowards and liars, and strive to make a living by the parade of their own desertion from the manly principle.

The sheriff asked Harpe, Coffin, Tweezy, and the others who had been present at the killing, for their versions. In every case, each had seen eye-to-eye with Thompson. The evidence was overwhelmingly against the saloon-keeper. But he, a glint of fear in his hard blue eyes, stuck to his original statement, swearing that all men were liars and he alone was telling the truth.

Then remember, too, that the German monarchy is a cross between the Napoleonic ambition and its inheritance from Frederick the Great and Bismarck. I suppose the three damnedest liars that were ever born are these three old Frederick, Napoleon, and Bismarck not, I take it, because they naturally loved lying, but because the game they played constantly called for lying.

They're all affected minxes, immoral, liars. . . . The only ones I can put up with are cooks and housemaids, but so-called ladies I won't let come within shooting distance of me. But, thank God, they hate me and don't force themselves on me!

As they were both liars the woman perhaps the greater liar of the two their statements are not to be taken as other than forlorn attempts to shift the blame on to each other's shoulders.

I found him more communicative and in the politest fashion we discussed the weather and the crops. He had been to Seville. 'Che maravilla! he cried, waving his fine, strong hands. 'What a marvel! But I cannot bear the town-folk. What thieves and liars! 'Town-folk should stick to the towns, muttered the old woman, looking at me somewhat pointedly.

It didn't take me long to make up my mind that these liars warn't no kings nor dukes at all, but just low-down humbugs and frauds. But I never said nothing, never let on; kept it to myself; it's the best way; then you don't have no quarrels, and don't get into no trouble.