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M. ED. MERCIER, "De la Certitude, dans ses Rapports avec la Science et la Foi," 1844. M. A. VERA, "Problème de la Certitude," 1843. ABBÉ GERBET, "Des Doctrines Philosophiques sur la Certitude, dans leur Rapports avec les Fondemens de la Theologie." ABBÉ DE LAMENNAIS, "Du Fondement de la Certitude," 1826. Vols. II. and III. of the "Essai sur l'Indifference en Matiére de la Religion." 4 vols., 1844.

Tacitus thought less of their capacity, upon the whole, than it is usual to think now: "The Chatti," he says, "for Germans, have much intelligence;" "Leur intelligence et leur finesse etonnent, dans des Germains."

Mais ce que le plateau n'a bu qu'en mille gorgees, la bouche de la caverne le rend souvent par un seul flot, les gouttes qui tombent du filtre s'unissant dans l'ombre en misseaux, puis en rivieres. Aussi, les sources du pied du Causse, sont-elles admirables par l'abondance des eaux, par la hauteur et la sublimite des rocs, de leur "bouts de mondes."

But, however untenable this supposition of a fixed state in the surface of this earth, the accuracy of the natural philosopher may still be observed in the absurdity of the proposition. «L'état des montagnes sera fixe, partout les rivières seront arrivées au point de n'emporter pas plus de limon hors de leur enceinte, que l'air et les pluies n'y déposeront de terre végétable, et voila enfin quel sera le repos, l'état permanent de la surface de notre globe.

New Year's resolution to help some one every day. Today helped Mademoiselle to put on her rubers. JANUARY 2ND. Today I wrote my French theme, beginning, "Les hommes songent moins a leur AME QU A leur CORPS." Mademoiselle sent for me and objected, saying that it was not a theme for a young girl, and that I must write a new one, on the subject of pears. How is one to develope in this atmosphere?

Brave, gallant, and magnificent were the Gallic gentlemen; but not learned. Reading made them positively ill: "la tête leur tourne de lire," as Brézé confessed. Scorning an indoor sedentary life, they left all civil offices to the bourgeoisie, and devoted themselves exclusively to war.

"Please, ma tante." "I shall leave a blank for what you want to say about the short-haired one, and she will give her husband his orders, and he'll do it. Do not think me wicked; they are all so disgusting, your prologues, but je ne leur veux pas de mal, bother them. Well, go, but be sure to stay at home this evening to hear Kiesewetter, and we shall have some prayers.

" ce peuple de rivales Qui toutes, disputant, d'un si grand interet, Des yeux d'Assuerus attendent leur arret. 'She is well enough, certainly; but the comtesse du Barry excels her a hundredfold': then follow such shrugs, such contortions of countenance, and such vain efforts to repress the rage of disappointed vanity and ambition, that I am nearly ready to die with laughter.

They were much pleased to learn that the pronoun leur is used for persons, but also for things, while and en are used for things and sometimes for persons. Ought we to say Cette femme a l'air bon or l'air bonne? une bûche de bois sec, or de bois sèche? ne pas laisser de, or que de? une troupe de voleurs survint, or survinrent?

Beyond the ditch or canal which opened on the river was a large area, still traceable, in the form of an irregular triangle, surrounded by a ditch, and apparently by palisades. "Nous leur auons dresse vn Hospice ou Cabane d'ecorce." No doubt the buildings of Sainte Marie were of the roughest, rude walls of boards, windows without glass, vast chimneys of unhewn stone.