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I most sincerely wish it, on every account; and, although my next rendezvous is not what I exactly expected, it always brings me nearer England. "Great is our uneasiness for the fate of the Leander. In the letter above alluded to, Lord St. Vincent thinks it probable she may have been dismasted, and have put into one of the islands of the Archipelago. I own my fears for her are great."

Best wishes to you, WILLIAM BARNARD, Scoutmaster 1st Dansburg Troop, B.S.A., Dansburg, Ohio. Tom could hardly believe his eyes as he read the letter. William Barnard! Would he ever forget the long night spent in that dank, dark shell-hole? Would he ever forget that chance companion in peril, who had nursed him and cheered him all through that endless night?

Of the manuscript materials preceding and foreshadowing the insurrection, an important letter by the Franciscan Fray Francisco de Ayeta, a copy of which is in the national archives of Mexico, deserves to be specially mentioned.

I was too late. He took the burning paper in his hand, carried it to the stove, and threw it in. He waited a moment till it was consumed, and then returned to the mail counter. The envelope still lay there; he carried that to the stove, and saw it ignited from the burning letter.

"Why, we shall be laying our plans right in the heart of the enemy's country and they will never realize it. Perhaps, too, we may get a glimpse of some of those people mentioned in the anonymous letter." To Clare Kendall it was simply another phase of the game which she had been playing against the forces of evil in the city.

Ah! said Squeers, folding it up, 'a delightful letter. Very affecting indeed. 'Mobbs's step-mother, said Squeers, 'took to her bed on hearing that he wouldn't eat fat, and has been very ill ever since.

"I would rather my father and mother heard it first from you in person," I answered, stumbling in my speech. "So would I, Daisy; but the times are against us. A letter must be my messenger; and Dr. Sandford has nothing to do with the matter." "He would think he had," I answered, feeling the difficulties in my way.

To conclude, sir, if I might venture to advise you, I should recommend trying the effect on Mrs. R. of absence and silence." A most sensibly written letter. I shall certainly take Matilda's advice. My name is never mentioned by Stella and not a day has passed without my thinking of her! Well, I suppose a man can harden his heart if he likes. Let me harden my heart, and forget her.

Shafter on the 30th day of June, was eventually carried out to the letter; its successful operation shut up a superior force in the city of Santiago, and compelled the surrender of the city.

Then she took her pen, and in three minutes her letter was completed. The Vicarage, Friday. Do come to me, as soon as you can, and I will never send you away again. I go to Loring to-morrow, and, of course, you must come there. I cannot write it all; but I will tell you everything when we meet. I am very sorry for your cousin Gregory, because he was so good. Always your own,