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Leslie was just drying off the chubby form when he was unexpectedly interrupted. Jacket had made his round trip in safety, but instead of bringing a squad of the enemy's soldiers with him he had brought the child's parents, which was a much more sensible thing to do.

Satisfied that I was really Leslie, he had stooped, and was fumbling under the window. When he straightened, he held something out to me in the palm of his shaking hand. I saw, with surprise, that it was a tobacco-pouch. "Well?" I demanded. "It was on the ledge," he said hoarsely. "I put it there myself.

Millicent Leslie stood out on the terrace of the old North Country hall, where, the year before, she had first met her husband.

Leslie," said Harley, in softened tones, "believe me that nothing short of justice to the Duke di Serrano justice even to my young friend Mr. Hazeldean has compelled me to this painful duty. Here let all inquiry terminate." "And," said the count, with exquisite blandness, "since I have been informed by my Lord L'Estrange that Mr.

One likes to feel that, at a time like this, everything is to be done decently, at least not enormous legacies to comparative strangers " "I like Norma, we've all been kind to her," Leslie contributed, as Annie's voice died listlessly away. "I've always made allowances for her.

Thank goodness we got out of that place when we did! But that reminds me, I ought to go to the village and order some supplies. The grocer doesn't come here again for two days. Don't you want to walk down with me? It's a gorgeous morning for a 'hike'!" "I believe I will," agreed Leslie, "that is, if Aunt Marcia can get along without me.

As he did so, a fluttering sigh, and a whispered "Oh, thank God; thank God!" fell upon his ear; a handkerchief saturated with eau-de-cologne was applied to his nostrils; and, as in a dream, he heard a voice murmur "Are you better, Mr Leslie? Tell me that you are feeling better." Feeling better! Had he been ill, then?

They kept calling back and forth from room to room, and after everything had been quiet for a long time and Julia Cloud was just dropping off to sleep, Leslie woke them all up calling to know if it wouldn't be a good plan to have the Hallowe'en party there at the house and have everybody come in costume. Then they had to begin all over again, and decide what they would wear and who they would be.

Hall, lands, and name were blotted out of the map and the history of the county. The widow, Oliver, and Juliet removed to a provincial town in another shire. Juliet married an ensign in a marching regiment; and died of neglect after childbirth. Mrs. Leslie did not long survive her.

Nevertheless, L'Estrange's suspicions of Randal were too strong to be easily set aside, and therefore he replied, civilly, but with covert taunt, "I submit to your rebuke, Mr. Leslie, though I meant not the offence you would ascribe to me.