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And it's the first duty of a man to tell the truth, as he sees it and believes it." "In this case the truth won't make poor Leslie free," sighed Anne. "It will probably end in still more bitter bondage for her. Oh, Gilbert, I CAN'T think you are right."

"It doesn't seem likely he'd have someone else's envelops in his books," she remarked. "And I think Honorable Arthur Ramsay of Peking sounds far more thrilling than plain 'Horatio Gaines'! Let's look through the rest of the books and see if we can discover anything else." They examined them all, but found nothing more of interest and Leslie suggested uneasily that they had better go.

Already as they stood there gazing over the lake, crimson with the last rays of the sun, Jim was studying the rocks upon the farther side and squinting his eyes at something moving among them. It was with a startled return to his surroundings that he heard Leslie now say: "My father wants to have you come in, Mr. I mean James. The doctor is going to properly dress your arm." "The doctor?

If I had been the man to retire, why, for certain reasons, I should have recommended them to split with Leslie, a clever chap, and pretty considerable sharp." "Hear, hear, hear!" cried the baron, lustily.

Leslie, an elderly, brown-faced man, sat near Prescott; the Jernynghams, who had driven over to welcome his friends, were inside, talking to Mrs. Leslie. "Guess you don't know much about the English people we're expecting?" Leslie asked. "No," said Prescott; "only that they're friends of the Jernynghams. I don't think I've even heard their names yet." "Mrs.

During the week intervening, Leslie Walker's "Ladies' Committee" were very busy in the construction of dainty rosettes of pink and blue ribbon to be worn by his followers; and not to be outdone, Henderson's committee of "mere men" armed themselves with little squares of hatband ribbon of red, white, and blue the Ministerial colours.

If any one entered the room it immediately came close up to Fanny, or perched on her hand, and seemed to feel that it was perfectly safe while under her protection. It would not, however, venture out if any one else was in the room. Fanny kept its cage hung up on a peg near the window of her bedroom. She brought it down that morning to show to Mrs Leslie.

Religion, politics, and persons, she decides upon for herself, and has as many benevolent schemes as old Madam Jackson. I returned the visit of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie, the painter, this week, and saw the picture he is now painting for the Vice-Chancellor. It is a sketch of children, a boy driving his two little sisters as horses.

"I can make you up," he said, "so that your best friend or what is of more difficulty, the woman who loved you best or hated you worst wouldn't know you." "That is it," said Leslie. "Now be quick, like a good fellow, for I have only five minutes." "You will not need to change your pants, I think," said the costumer.

The militia in the front line immediately fled; but the regulars maintained their ground with great gallantry. Colonel Smallwood's regiment of Maryland, and Colonel Reitzimer's of New York, advanced boldly towards the foot of the hill to meet Leslie, but, after a sharp encounter, were overpowered by numbers, and compelled to retreat.