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Just to teach us manners you're worth your board and keep." Then hardily, with a sweeping gesture toward the weary cattle: "Besides, your uncle has sent up a contribution to help keep you while you visit with us." York laughed. "He sent it, but he didn't know he was sending it." Leroy surrendered his room to Miss Mackenzie and put at her service the old Mexican woman who cooked for him.

Denis has become Franciade; Peter Gaspard is converted into Anaxagoras, and Antoine-Louis into Brutus; Leroi, the deputy, calls himself Laloi, and Leroy, the jurist, calls himself August-Tenth. By dint of thus shaping the exterior we reach the interior, and through outward civism we prepare internal civism.

"He is dear to you?" said Leroy on a sudden impulse, catching her hand; "He is more to you than most men?" She snatched away her hand, and her eyes lightened first with wrath, then with laughter. "Dear to me!" she echoed, "to Me? No one man on earth is dearer to me than another! All are alike in my estimation, all the same barbaric, foolish babes and children all to be loved and pitied alike!

The three men, Mortimer Shelton, Lord Standon and Frank Parselle, seated themselves at a table in a comfortable recess and took stock of the room, responding to numerous nods and smiles of recognition, while grumbling at the unpunctuality of their friend. "Ten past seven!" groaned Shelton, looking at his watch. "I might have known that Leroy would be late. Shall we wait?"

Her presence awakened the liveliest interest in Pasquin Leroy, who found it impossible to avoid nudging his companions, and whispering "A woman! By Heaven, this drama becomes interesting!"

Adrien made as if to speak; but his father checked him, with a gesture of his hand. "Stay, hear me out," he said. "When I was your age, your mother was at my side, I had given the House of Leroy its son and heir. I was married, and had left the lighter loves of the world for a more lasting and responsible one.

"And because it had been your father's locket, with you and your mother in it, Mrs. Leroy wouldn't let you change it to put her in; and so this on the other side is you, young Georges Gautier Hippolyte Leroy " "Written G. Leroy in general," interpolated the gentleman's son. "And this is how you looked at twenty, dark and rosy-cheeked, with a handsome aquiline nose.

I am afraid, my dear, that it will break your heart!" "Oh," said Mrs. Brainard, with what was meant to be a gentle jest, "no one can break my heart except Leroy. I should not care enough about any one else, you know." The compliment was an exquisite one.

He promised me that, should such a case as this occur, he would give me a boat in which to transfer myself; and that small dinghy of yours will be just the thing." "Y-es," returned Leroy meditatively. "He promised you that, did he? I remember your telling me so.

It was clear that the Chief of Police was acquainted with Pasquin Leroy, the 'spy' on whose track he had been sent by Carl Perousse, and moreover, that he was evidently in no hurry to arrest him.