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Instinctively and immediately she liked Helen Cumberly; and Helen felt that this strong-looking, vaguely masculine woman, was an old, intimate friend, although she had never before set eyes upon her. "H'm!" said Miss Ryland. She seated herself in an armchair. "Had of me from Mira?" asked Helen. "Yes... from Mrs. Leroux." "How delightful it must be for you to have her with you so often!

I could not have written my work without the aid derived from its suggestions, any more than I could without Plato, Aristotle, St. Augustine, St. Thomas, Suarez, Pierre Leroux, and the Abbate Gioberti.

Helena stated that ``if there existed a monarchy of granite the idealists and theorists would manage to reduce it to powder. Among the galaxy of dreamers such as Saint-Simon, Fourier, Pierre Leroux, Louis Blanc, Quinet, &c., we find that only Auguste Comte understood that a transformation of manners and ideas must precede political reorganisation.

He wondered when an opportunity should arise which would enable him to commence his chivalrous operations; almost daily he anticipated instructions to the effect that Mrs. Leroux would be leaving for Paris immediately. But the days glided by and the weeks glided by, without anything occurring to break the monotony of the Leroux household. Mr.

"You are a writing gentleman, I understand, and yet it does not occur to you that he could have lowered the bag on a cord, if he wanted to avoid the noise of dropping it!" "Yes er of course!" muttered Leroux. "But really but really oh, good God! I am bewildered! What in Heaven's name does it all mean!" "It means trouble," replied Dunbar, grimly; "bad trouble."

I went back to Jacqueline and took my seat upon the earth-bag barricade. I had my revolver in my hand, but it was not loaded. I threw the cartridges upon the floor. It seemed only a few minutes before a voice hailed me from the tunnel. "M. Hewlett! Are you prepared to speak with M. Leroux?" It was Raoul's voice, and I answered yes. A moment later Leroux came from the tunnel toward me.

In the room where Mira Leroux lay, so near to the Borderland that her always ethereal appearance was now positively appalling, a hushed group stood about the bed. "I think she is awake, doctor," whispered the nurse softly, peering into the emaciated face of the patient. Mira Leroux opened her eyes and smiled at Dr. Cumberly, who was bending over her.

This time we were inside the cave in which Leroux and Lacroix had piled the sacks of earth. I was looking out beyond them toward the rivulet, and on my right hand and on my left the tunnel stretched away, leading respectively toward the château and to the rocking stone at the entrance.

His criticisms were severe and bitter; and he fell into violent passions when, as Leroux once observed, he looked like the yellow dwarf in a rage. Cuthbert had heard of him from Terrier, who said that Goudé had the reputation of being by far the best master in Paris. He had presented himself to him as soon as he arrived there; his reception had not been favorable.

I gathered from what he had said that the possession of Jacqueline was vitally important both to Leroux and to Tom Carson, for some reason connected with the Northern Exploitation Company, and that they had endeavoured to kidnap her and hold her till the man Louis arrived to advise them. "How much do you know?" hissed Simon at me. "Leroux," I said, "I'm not going to tell you anything.