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These slope gradually down, and between them and the shore there is a broad and fertile plain, which is called the Contra Costa. There are several small islands in the bay, but they do not present a fertile appearance to the eye. We were received with every mark of respectful attention and cordial hospitality by Mr. Leidesdorff. Mr.

The man was Alec McTurpin; the girl, no doubt, some light o' love from a neighboring pueblo. Yet there was a disturbing familiarity about her. Spear watched them go across the square toward the City Hotel, a long, one-story adobe structure built by Leidesdorff as a store and home.

Half idly he jotted down the names of men that would prove good henchmen: "William A. Leidesdorff, Robert A. Parker, Jose P. Thompson, Pedro Sherreback, John Rose, Benjamin Buckalew." It had a cosmopolitan smack, though it ignored some prominent and capable San Franciscans. William Clark, for instance, with whom Washington Bartlett had quarreled over town lots, Dr. Elbert Jones and William Howard.

Joe went on to the Leidesdorff Hotel and was cordially received by Mr. Folsom. "How much have you earned to-day, Joe?" "Five dollars and my supper." "That's good. Is the job finished?" "Yes, sir." "And you have nothing in view for to-morrow?" "No, sir; but I guess I shall run across a job." "Where are you going to spend the night?" "In a tent a little way down the street."

Saturday Nov. 19, 1855, between 5 and 6 o'clock, the community was startled by the report that General Richardson, United States Marshal, had been shot dead by a gambler. The shooting occurred on the south side of Clay street, about midway between Montgomery and Leidesdorff streets. The fatal shot was fired from a deringer pistol by Charles Cora.

"Will the Americano Capitan restore it to us, think you, Don Guillermo?" "I know not," said the other sadly. "You should have thought of that before you gambled it away, my son." Benito hung his head. Richardson passed on and the trio made their way toward the beach. There they found Nathan Spear in excited converse with John Cooper and William Leidesdorff.

"Shall you have any more work to do?" asked Joe. "Not shoost now," answered the German. "You can look round in a week. Maybe I have some then." Before going to the Leidesdorff House to call upon his friend Folsom, Joe thought he would try to make arrangements for the night. He came to the St. Francis Hotel, on the corner of Dupont and Clay Streets.

On the 11th of October, by invitation of Lieutenant Ruducoff, in company of Mr. Jacob and Captain Leidesdorff, I dined on board this vessel. The Russian customs are in some respects peculiar. Soon after we reached the vessel and were shown into the cabin, a lunch was served up.

A pale, broad-shouldered man with handsome regular features and brooding, poetic eyes stood beside the machine, turning the wheel now and then, and examining the boxes. He seemed to be a leader, for many people came to ask him questions which he answered with decision and authority. "Who is that?" asked Inez of Nathan Spear and Leidesdorff as the two approached.

The president himself made him an offer of command if he could raise a regiment of California volunteers." Windham smiled. "I believe it is for colonization rather than actual military duty that they've been sent out here ... three shiploads of them with two doctors and a chaplain." As they picked their way along a narrow footpath toward the beach, the portly Leidesdorff advanced to greet them.