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The discipline and evolutions of a modern battalion gave me a clearer notion of the phalanx and the legion; and the captain of the Hampshire Grenadiers the reader may smile has not been useless to the historian of the Roman Empire. I was detained above four years by my rash engagement in the militia.

May he lead our Legion victorious through the Spanish dominions. "Vive la Republique!" they shouted, draining their glasses. "Vive le citoyen general Clark!" "Louisiana!" shouted Citizen Sullivan, warming, "Louisiana, groaning under oppression and tyranny, is imploring us with uplifted hands.

The ghosts issued out from the weird wood and from the caves in the hills, besieging him, as he had imagined the spiritual legion besieging Caermaen, beckoning him to a hideous battle and a victory that he had never imagined in his wildest dreams. And then out of the darkness the kind voice spoke again, and the kind hand was stretched out to draw him up from the pit.

Fred had so greatly distinguished himself in a series of fights upon the river Min that he had been offered his choice between the Cross of the Legion of Honor or promotion.

In Madame Bonaparte's last drawing-room, before His Imperial Majesty set out for the Rhine, he was ornamented with the Spanish, Neapolitan, Prussian, and Portuguese orders, together with those of the French Legion of Honour and of the Italian Iron Crown. I have seen the Emperor Paul, who was also an amateur of ribands and stars, but never with so many at once.

Mackintosh. "One of my men" he emphasized "one," as if their number were legion "disappointed me this morning. I expect he's in the lockup by this time. Have you got a voice?" "A what?" "Can you sing?" "I really don't know; haven't ever tried, since" a wonderful retrospection in his tones "since I was a little chap in church and wore white robes."

Nothing can better mark than this collective act of reward the sentiment of public gratitude which your invention has so justly excited. The Emperor has already given you a testimonial of his high esteem when he conferred upon you, more than a year ago, the decoration of a Chevalier of his order of the Legion of Honor.

It was enough to show some exotic trait of dress or appearance to be literally embraced on the streets by fair ladies. So it was in vain that I had come to this place to get rid of my head. There was no guillotine, no barricade, not the slightest opportunity for cheap martyrdom; and as for the volunteer legion, why, that was a veritable life insurance corps. I could not get myself killed.

God is alone but the devil, he is far from being alone; he sees a great deal of company; he is legion. I am no more lonely than a single mullein or dandelion in a pasture, or a bean leaf, or sorrel, or a horse-fly, or a bumblebee.

This proves the utility of the Order of the Legion of Honor which has been contested too much in the past ten years, the new Knights of the Order say. The battered hat, in a constant state of horror in the places where a reddish fuzz endures, would not be picked up by a rag picker, if the little old man let it fall and left it at a street corner.