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Unfortunately, while some of the most worthy visitors did not make themselves known, some persons far less desirable took too much pains to attract notice. A satirist would find rich material in the archives of our embassies and legations abroad. I have found nowhere more elements of true comedy and even broad farce than in some of the correspondence on this subject there embalmed.

Death of Queen Elizabeth Condition of Spain Legations to James I. Union of England and Scotland Characteristics of the new monarch The English Court and Government Piratical practices of the English Audience of the States' envoy with king James Queen Elizabeth's scheme far remodelling Europe Ambassador extraordinary from Henry IV. to James De Rosny's strictures on the English people Private interview of De Rosny with the States' envoy De Rosny's audience of the king Objects of his mission Insinuations of the Duke of Northumberland Invitation of the embassy to Greenwich Promise of James to protect the Netherlands against Spain Misgivings of Barneveld Conference at Arundel House Its unsatisfactory termination Contempt of De Rosny for the English counsellors Political aspect of Europe De Rosny's disclosure to the king of the secret object of his mission Agreement of James to the proposals of De Rosny Ratification of the treaty of alliance Return of De Rosny and suite to France Arrival of the Spanish ambassador.

Russia called for my immediate dismissal from the post of Treasurer-General; she required that my fourteen American assistants already in Persia should be subject to the approval of the British and Russian legations at Teheran; that all other foreign officials in future employed by Persia be subjected to the approval of those two legations; that a large indemnity should be paid to Russia for the expense of moving her troops into Persia to hasten the acceptance of these two ultimatums; and that all other questions between Russia and Persia should be settled to the satisfaction of the former.

Attempts were made to burn the legations by setting neighboring houses on fire, but the flames were successfully fought off, although the Austrian, Belgian, Italian. and Dutch legations were then and subsequently burned. With the aid of the native converts, directed by the missionaries, to whose helpful co-operation Mr.

Owing, however, to his remoteness from the scene of action, he did not arrive until after Pekin had been reached and the relief of the legations, which was the first if not the main object of the expedition, had been accomplished. After this, the resistance of the Chinese greatly decreased and the country was practically at the mercy of the concert of powers.

Peking was opened to foreign residence. The French succeeded in opening the whole country to the labors of missionaries. Legations were established at the capital, and a new era of peace and prosperity dawned on the distracted empire. If the opening of Peking required a prolonged struggle, it was followed by a quarter-century of pacific intercourse.

I have never failed, after conversing with one of the middle class in the Legations, to inscribe in my tablets, There is an Italian Nation! I travelled from Bologna to Florence with a young man whom I at first took, from the simple elegance of his dress, for an Englishman.

Yuan Shih-k'ai was, of course, supported by the Legations, being what is called a "strong man," i.e. a believer in blood and iron, not likely to be led astray by talk about democracy or freedom. In China, the North has always been more military and less liberal than the South, and Yuan Shih-k'ai had created out of Northern troops whatever China possessed in the way of a modern army.

Very prominent before us, after the large enclosure of the royal Palace, are the foreign buildings, such as the Japanese Legation on a smaller hill at the foot of Nanzam, and overlooking the large Japanese settlement; the abode of the Chinese Minister resident, with its numerous buildings around it; the British Consulate with its new red brick house in course of construction; and, by the side of the last mentioned, the compounds of the American and Russian legations. Farther on, nearer the royal Palace, the German flag may be seen surmounting the German Consulate, which is situated in an enclosure containing several Corean houses which have been reduced

The English, for example, had seized Porto Ferrajo in place of Leghorn; the Pope had gone further, and, in spite of the armistice, was assembling an army for the recovery of Bologna, Ferrara, and his other lost legations.