United States or Saint Pierre and Miquelon ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

I DO feel grateful that you are willing to show me but I I well, I am troubled to-night about something, and I can't control myself. To-morrow night I'll be braver, and will help you. Please don't feel hurt if I leave you now." "Ah, mine leedle girl, learn vrom der schtars dot der great laws moost be opeyed, und don't you vorry und vret ober vat you gannot help.

"Ah, no; do not say dat!" said Pinchas, laying his finger pleadingly on the side of his nose. "I must." "You tear my heart in two. I lof you like a brother almost like a voman. Just von!" There was an appealing smile in his eye. "I cannot. I shall have a hornet's nest about my ears." "Von leedle von, Simon Wolf!" Again his finger was on his nose. "It is impossible."

He was inclined to accept sadly the theory of Professor Muller, professor of anatomy and physiology at the University of Lippe-Schweidnitz, and court physician, that Adalbert cast back to his great-grandfather Franz, who had been known to his irreverent subjects as "The Dolt." He gazed at the perspiring and excited band for a minute in silence. Then he said: "Wheech is ze leedle she-devil-child?"

It is long before I recover from my first mouthful, and the Baron stands over me with a fan and a glass of wine, while Mrs. Steele laughs until the tears come into her eyes. "Water! water!" I gasp. "No, vino blanco, Señorita," says the Baron, putting the glass to my lips. I drain the last drop. "Now some water, please." "Yes, leedle more vino blanco," says the Peruvian, pouring out another glass.

I felt so criminally young that I wondered they did not strap me in a high chair and ram bread and milk down my throat. Now and then the door would open to admit another snuffly, ancient, and be-shawled member of the company. I learned that Mrs. Schwartz, on my right, did not care mooch for shteak for breakfast, aber a leedle l'mb ch'p she likes.

I feel it fery deep. It might not matter to zome Nordthern zhentlemen, but I am dthe most sensible man you ever know." "Sensible!" I say, in a tone scarcely flattering, trying to keep my lips from twitching. "Yes, I am terrible sensible; a fery leedle dthing vill hurt me." "Well, well, I'll be your friend, anyhow, and I'll try to be very considerate.

The professor waved her aside, lifting Jonesy's head as tenderly as a nurse could have done, and motioned the coloured men to lift him up. "No, no, fraulein," he said. "I have had eggsperience. It is besser the poor leedle knabe go mit me!" There was no opposing the old man's masterful way.

"Ach, you leedle Grasshobber, fifty dollars for your trip, and then you don't fly excepd in mit der hogs," he exclaimed, shaking his fist at the inanimate wreck of his craft. A loud report of a gun brought the crowd's attention from this scene, which they had watched from a respectful distance, back to the aviation grounds. It was the warning gun. In ten minutes the big race would start. "Bang!"

"Ah!" sighs the wearer, "I feel suffocate on dthis boat it ees so small, people eferywhere and you and I so leedle alone. Ah, ve vill soon be at San José!" "I don't see how that will mend matters." I am anxious to see what he has in mind. "Madame Steele vant to go to Guatemala." "Yes, but so do most of the other passengers."

"'That iss for which we haf so-long-in-vain sought, Percy, he said to me in his quaint, link-chain style of speech. 'A leedle prifate volcano- laboratory to ourselves to have. Totally unknown: undescribed, not-on-the- chart-to-be-found. To-morrow we start. I make a list of the things-to- get.