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He had so far completed his dressing that he was in his waistcoat, and was just looking round for his coat. "Stop!" said the Professor. "Hold Mr. Johnson's coat for a moment!" This was to young Wright, who laid his hands on the garment in question. "You must be tired, sir," said the Professor, in a very soft voice. "May I offer you a leedle cigarette?"

Needle and twist and one of the half vests were then given to me, and after ten minutes I had worked my first button-hole and handed it back. The daughter praised it warmly, but the mother said: "Very fair, but a leedle slow." "Let me try again," I said, and my trembling fingers were so eager to please that my next button-hole was not only better but more quickly made.

"Ay tank ets a good deal money, by sure," she said to herself; "but das leedle children mus' have new fadder to mak mind un tak care dere mudder like, by yimminy! An' Ay tank no man look may way in das ole dress I been wearing."

"Vell," said the seaman, after obeying instructions, "I yoost had vun hell of a time, und he make a long rest in de land, I do py dammage! I keep a leedle book from off de day ve shtart ouid." I heard the measured pace of the brave "shkvarehet" below as he racked his brains for words.

"It is, it is," he cried, "the wasm, the sharat,* the Semitic tribal mark, the mark with which the Arab tribes brand their cattle! Of old time they did tattoo it on their bodies. The learned Herr Professor Robertson Smith, in his leedle book, do you know what he calls that very mark, my dear sir?" * Sharat or Short.

A year ago his little home was first invaded by the flood, and himself and wife, and his son's family, were driven from it to the hills for safety but the old man's telling of the story can not be improved upon. It ran like this: "Last year, ven I svwim out fon dot leedle home off mine, mit my vife, unt my son, his vife unt leedle girls, I dink dot's der last time goot-by to dose proberty!

Everyting dot he has dold you vas yoost de udder way; no bread, no meelk, no vegebubbles noddings of dis, not von leedle bit. I vill make von leest come to-morrow." "Did you go, Joppy?" inquired Stebbins. "DID I GO? Yes, back to the depot and on to Cologne. That night I ate two plates of sauerkraut, a slice of pork and a piece of cheese the size of my hand; slept like a top."

When I was leedle, I haf seen dem joost like dat." "Ma-ah," began Owgooste fretfully, as soon as the yodlers had departed. He could not keep still an instant; he twisted from side to side, swinging his legs with incredible swiftness. "Ma-ah, I want to go ho-ome." "Pehave!" exclaimed his mother, shaking him by the arm; "loog, der leedle girl is watchun you.

"Both men stood aside to enable me to continue my reading, and, as I was about to turn away, the smarter of the two addressed me. "'Good chanth here, misther. Nithe little bithness going for nothing. No charge for goodwill or fixtures. Ready-made bithneth and nothing to pay but rent. "'Ja! the other man broke in, 'dat shop is a leedle goldmine; und you buys 'im for noding.

"Oh, but I can't take your rosary; that's absurd!" "You cannot take a few leedle pieces of vood from your friend? Vhy, dthose leedle voods are only dthe dthe dthe how you say? bones off dthe olive." I laugh till I ache. "Bones of the olive!" I almost roll off the lumber in a spasm of merriment. Mrs.