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"'Well, what of this yere toomultuous 'lection? demands Dave Tutt, who gets impatient while Texas refreshes himse'f in his glass. 'You- all reminds me a mighty sight, Texas, of the Tucson preacher who pulls his freight the other day. They puts it to him, the Tucson folks do, that he talks an' he talks, but he don't p'int out; an' he argufies an' he argufies, but he never shows wherein.

You politicians give them people 'munity, an' let 'em alone because they fight fur you in 'lection times an' air popular with foresters an' pore trash, because they persecutes niggers an' treats to liquor. You know the laws is agin their actions on both sides of the Delaware line, but in Maryland they're a dead letter." "You speak plain truth, James Phoebus, brave as your conduct.

Some day, Miss Peggy, when you's waded tru seas o' trubble an' come out on de good Lord's side an' made your callin' an' 'lection sure, you'll know more 'bout it I done reckon." "Come with me, do, Hanny," pleaded Jim. "You can walk along the stone fence and pick the high ones and we'll fill the kittle in no time."

There was a drowsy hum from the bee-hive near the window, and the shadows were lengthening as sunset approached. "One queer thing about it," she resumed, "was that while Sally Ann was talkin', not one of us felt like laughin'. We set there as solemn as if parson was preachin' to us on 'lection and predestination. But whenever I think about it now, I laugh fit to kill.

Andy looked upon them with vast disdain. 'An' is this what ye call a 'lection in America? said he. 'Where's the vothers, or the candidates, or the speeches, or the tratin, or the colours, or the sojers, or anythink at all? An' ye can't rise a policeman itself to kape the pace! Arrah, let me out ov this home, Misther Robert. There's not as much as a single spark ov sperit in the whole counthry!

The landlord, Johnson, was a meek, well-meaning fellow, and Arkansas fastened on him early, as a promising subject, and gave him no rest day or night, for awhile. On the fourth morning, Arkansas got drunk and sat himself down to wait for an opportunity. Presently Johnson came in, just comfortably sociable with whisky, and said: "I reckon the Pennsylvania 'lection "

When she went and nursed the factory hands when the typhoid fever broke out he said 'she wuz like a angel of Mercy." "They said he looked like a angel of Wrath 'lection day," sez Phila. "You know how fair his face is, and how his clear gray eyes seem to look right through you, and through shams and shames of every kind.

Aour caounty went dry last 'lection, and tother day er went to the spensary ter git sum fire-water er thinkin we mought be sick er sunthin, ther wouldn't let me hev it 'thout Doc's 'scripshun went to Doc, wouldn't give me 'scripshun 'thout snake-bite er sunthin went ter only snake er knowed on fer a bite, und the dog-goned critter sed all his bites wuz spoke for three weeks ahed.

"Afternoon, miss," he said, in a hesitating voice. "I I'm Rogers, miss; ol' Will Rogers. I I s'pose you hain't heerd o' me before." "I'm glad to meet you, Mr. Rogers," replied the girl in her pleasant voice. "Have you come to see me about the election?" "It's it's sump'n 'bout the 'lection, an' then agin it ain't.

Good, steady men we were, most of us, none of your blundering Irish, that wouldn't know a maple from a hickory, with their gin-bottles in their pockets, but our solid, Down-East Yankee heads, owning their farms all along the river, with schooling enough to know what they were about 'lection day.