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"Nelson Haley openin' aour school and takin' up the good work ag'in where he laid it daown, is suthin' that oughter be noted a-plenty," declared Mr. Dexter. "And I will say for 'em, that committee reinstated him before anybody heard anythin' abeout Jack Besmith havin' stole the gold coins.

"You must," Mrs. Troop repeated. "Your boy's jest fainted dead away. They do that some when they're gettin' their growth. 'Wish to tend to him? We can git aout this side. Quite quiet. You come right along with me. Psha', my dear, we're both women, I guess. We must tend to aour men-folk. Come!"

"Got any boys to brag of?" "We don't think much o' boys daown aour way; they're 'mazin resky stock to fetch up, alluz breakin' baounds, gittin' intew the paound, and wurry your life aout somehaow 'nother. Gals naow doos waal; I got six o' the likeliest the is goin', every one on 'em is the very moral of Bewlah, red hair, black eyes, quiet ways, an' a mold side the nose.

Why, you couldn't touch her with a ten-foot pole! She walked as ef she'd fell daown an' stepped on the small of her back, and she ripped open ther sleeves on ev'ry one of her dresses, an' bought caliker an' stiffenin' an' stuff ter put inter 'em to make 'em swell aout like a blowed-up bladder. I tell you she did cut an amazin' fast pace in aour taown."

We must have boats and plenty of them to cross to the fort." "That's what struck me last night, Colonel. So I left the others ter watch the fort an' a sarpint that wriggled into aour han's yesterday and come kitin' down here for orders." "A serpent, 'Siah?" said Warner. "Who is it?" "One o' them Yorkers, an' one that I've not had my eyes on let alone my hands for a good many months.

He beat me once years ago in 'lection for hog-reeve; but I don't bear no ill feelin'. He was deacon of the First Baptist, and captain of one of the biggest coasters in aour parts, and that fond of beans that folks believed he'd 'a' died if he couldn't have had 'em. Wall, it so happened one fall that there came on a powerful gale on the Georges, and a power of hands was lost.

He says I'm a-tryin' ter pray the bread-and-butter right aout'n aour mouths. He's so mad at me he won't sleep in the same room an' has gone off inter the west wing ter sleep by hisself. But I don't keer," cried Mrs. Parraday wildly. "Woe ter him that putteth the cup to his neighbor's lips! That's what I tell him. 'Wine is a mocker strong drink is ragin'. That's what the Bible says.

A specimen of a warrant of recent date, addressed to Tuanku Sungei-Pagu, a high-priest residing near Bencoolen, is as follows: Three circular Seals with inscriptions in Arabic characters. Key Dummul Alum. Maharaja Alif. Nour Alum. Maharaja Dempang or Dipang. Aour Alum. Maharaja Dirja or Durja.

She was the United States revenue cutter Bear. "But so long as they can't smell sea-otter skin," remarked Hardenberg, "I don't know that we're any the worse." "All the syme," observed Ally Bazan, "I don't want to lose no bloomin' tyme a-pecking up aour bloomin' A.B.'s." "I'll stay aboard and tend the baby," said Hardenberg with a wink.

The young gentleman in brown interrupted him. "You're mistaken," he said, "I was never there." Then, turning to his friend, he added, with an elaborate "Josh Whitcomb" accent: "Monty, 'taters must be lookin' up. All aour folks have come to town to spend their money."