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I have so trained myself that I can lie down for a nap of fifteen or twenty minutes, and get up refreshed in body and mind. I have said that I make it a rule to finish up each day's work before leaving it. There is, perhaps, one exception to this.

"She did not arrive in Paris until the end of spring, just at the time I was leaving town for the seashore.

If you don't or if somebody else don't free me from this vampire, I'll be fool enough to manumit her and marry her as soon as she is free! "Uncle brought her up here. "Did she wail at leaving Rome and mourn over seclusion in our hills? Not she. "She made as big a fool of Uncle as she had of Quadratus.

Grey, to the astonishment of his former friends, the wits, made an excellent domestic match; and, leaving the whole management of his household to his lady, felt himself as independent in his magnificent library as if he had never ceased to be that true freeman, A MAN OF CHAMBERS.

But soon the sun shone free again, the clouds, sinking lower and lower, gradually vanished, leaving the Valley with its Indian-summer colors apparently refreshed, while to the eastward the summit-peaks, clad in new snow, towered along the horizon in glorious array.

In this siege Marion lost two brave fellows, one of whom has been more than once conspicuous in this narrative the daring Sergeant McDonald, and Lieutenant Cruger. McDonald had reached a lieutenancy before he fell. The prisoners were paroled, but their officers before leaving partook of a sumptuous dinner given by Mrs. Motte to the victors.

"Don't be worried about it-I'll do what I can for you," said the old man, as the Captain was leaving. George followed him into the street, and made a great many apologies for his father's opinions and seeming indifference, promising to do himself what his father did not seem inclined to undertake.

Andre remained for the rest of the hours of darkness at the kind old man's house, and it was in Gaston's room that he renewed his "make-up" before leaving. The future looked very bright to him as he walked gayly up the Boulevard Malesherbes.

So it was that he had passed his life in the patient mechanical labor of instruction, leaving too many of his instincts and faculties in abeyance.

But as, after leaving my hotel the afternoon I arrived, I wandered for a long time at hazard through the tortuous by-ways of the city, I said to myself, not without an accent of private triumph, that here at last was something it would be almost impossible to modernise.