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But it is hard to fight the hawk. One by one they blew up our ships. Then, carrying Maya and a few other prisoners with them, they flew out to sea like a flight of evil birds no, not birds, for not even the hawk is evil. What was the word that you used for the leather-winged, toothy things that live in the forest?" "Dactyls," Jack Odin prompted.

He was sleepy sleepy and beyond this nothing mattered. Just to sleep, to drift off in spirit into a void like this through which he was swinging.... And so traveled Chet Bullard, one time Master Pilot of Earth, through, the heart of another world on and endlessly on, while leather-winged demons dragged him after, flying straight away from the center of the Moon toward a place and events unknown.

He bit down hard on the knuckles of his clenched fist, attempting to bend that discovery into evidence. Why did he know at once that that thin, eerie wailing was the flock call of a leather-winged, feathered tree dweller, and that a coughing grunt from downstream was just a noise? "Rynch Brodie Largo Drift Tait." He tasted the blood his teeth drew from his own skin as he recited that formula.

I've been wishing for something odd or strange, and I am glad you have come, for there is nothing beautiful or curious in all the White-Oak Flats." "Why, Sukey Gray! What's that you say? You must be blind as a pumpkin rind, or a leather-winged bat; this White-Oak Flat is just the place to look the beautiful right in the face.

We also killed a large bull-bat or goatsucker, of which there are many in this neighborhood, resembling in every respect those of the same species in the United States. We have not seen the leather-winged bat for some time, nor are there any of the small goatsucker in this part of the Missouri.

Here and there perfect clouds of gnats were dancing with their peculiar flight; swallows were still busy darting about, and now and then a leather-winged bat fluttered over them seeking its insect food. "What a lovely place this looks in a summer evening!" said Mr Marston thoughtfully.

On the other side of that was a small cut to a sloping hillside, giving on another valley, not as wide as that in which the camp stood, but one well provided with cover in the way of trees and high-growing bushes. A light wind pushed among the trees, and twice Shann heard the harsh, rasping call of a clak-clak one of the bat-like leather-winged flyers that laired in pits along the cliff walls.

Again the sense of amazement struck through to Chet despite the pain amazement and a feeling of an inexplicable incongruity when he saw the leather-winged creatures that had him in their grip. And again there were figures high overhead white, floating figures on pinions of pure white; their faces, kindly and serene, looked down upon the motley throng. "Look above you!" gasped Chet. "Anita!