United States or Mexico ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The human life which dotted the view displayed a variety of tints and costumes such as a painter would be glad to take just as he found them: the gayly feathered Indian, the slashed and tinselled Mexican, the leather-breeched raftsmen, the blue-or yellow-turbaned négresse, the sugar-planter in white flannel and moccasins, the average townsman in the last suit of clothes of the lately deceased century, and now and then a fashionable man in that costume whose union of tight-buttoned martial severity, swathed throat, and effeminate superabundance of fine linen seemed to offer a sort of state's evidence against the pompous tyrannies and frivolities of the times.

John W. Francis tells of the prevalence for years in New York of a supercilious class which habitually sneered at the demand for political equality of the leather-breeched mechanic with his few shillings a day. Theoretically, religious standards were the prevailing ones; in actuality the ethics and methods of the propertied class were all powerful.

" But you never know," thought experienced Bingo sagely, even as, in his heavy fashion, he went pounding on: "The Chief's continuin' the Work of Pacification, and acceptin' the surrender of arms any date of manufacture you like between the chassepot of 1870 and the leather-breeched firelock of Oliver Cromwell's time.

The leather-breeched person parading as the Argentine town-marshal had climbed the embankment, and, singling out his man, was reading his warrant. Contrary to Mr. Darrah's expressed hope, Winton submitted quietly. With a word to his men a word that stopped the strenuous labor-battle as suddenly as it had begun he turned to pick his way down the rough hillside at the heels of the marshal.