United States or South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

"We won't listen to no more such talk. Whatever we have got Prudence and me and whoever you be, young woman, I cal'late we'll do about as we please with it. I think you have broke loose from them that had you in charge. And they ought to be hunting for you. Leastways, I guess you'd better be sent back to 'em."

"Probably you came, like me, in search of gold." "That's where you're wrong. Leastways, that wasn't the principal object of our coming." "You're not traveling for pleasure, I should think," said Dewey, smiling. "Not much. Since our hosses have been stole, there's mighty little pleasure in clamberin' round on these hills. The fact is, we've been lookin' for you."

We'll not be losin' our supper for no lies, I guess! Leastways I won't! Come Archer."

'It wasn't my fault, sir, said the guard wheezily, 'nor it wasn't the lady's fault, leastways on'y the little lady's, sir.

"I've nearly finished," she said shortly, in her usual ungenial tone, but added, a moment later, "leastways I soon shall have." Bella had seen that although several cups and plates were washed, none of them were wiped, so she took up the tea-cloth lying on the table, and began to dry the things and put them away.

But we wuzn't no gods, as I told the general; leastways I was'n, n'never wuz. But I had a sharp axe. "I knew I could do it," Tom said, "but I wanted it to be a stunt, as you might say." "'Tain't no stunt," Uncle Jeb said. "Who's writin' yer from out in Ohio? I see the postmark. 'Tain't them kids from out Dayton way, I hope?"

Why, I could pull them down myself if I wanted to get away leastways I could climb up the side and make a hole through the roof. Can't call one's self a prisoner. Yes, I can, because I am regularly chained by the leg; for who's going to leave his comrade? Poor old chap!"

Nancy laughed oddly. "Well, I didn't say that, Miss Pollyanna. When he comes back he writes books queer, odd books, they say, about some gimcrack he's found in them heathen countries. But he don't never seem ter want ter spend no money here leastways, not for jest livin'." "Of course not if he's saving it for the heathen," declared Pollyanna.

The aspiring young fellow beside him replied at once sharply and decisively, that he did not mean to have a wife, leastways not till he had got his regular 30s. a week, which he might in time. Then John Smith made a noise in his chest like a grunt. They parted after this.

She differed from other busy-bodies in this, that she now and then reflected: not deeply; or of course I should take care not to print it. "It is strange," said she, "how things come round and about, Life is but a whirligig. Leastways, we poor women, our lives are all cut upon one pattern. Wasn't I for washing out my Gerard's mole in his young days?