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The law provides that a Japanese cannot lease land longer than three years, so when their leases expire they conform to our foolish law by merely shifting the tenants from one farm to another.

The establishment of the Children's Museum came about in this wise. After a serious fire in the Washington street building, and the subsequent sale of its site, the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences secured an indefinite lease of a fine old mansion located in Bedford Park, which had been recently acquired by the city.

With hundreds of thousands of men of fighting age in America it was impossible, in 1781, to collect more than a handful for service away from their homes. The essentially unmilitary nature of the Americans was not to be changed. Fortunately for the rebels, the policy of Great Britain was such as to give them a lease of hope.

Anyway, I've got the Terminal for a starter; also I have a twenty-five-year lease on the water frontage there. I have the capital to go ahead and build a cold-storage plant. The wholesale crowd can't possibly bother me. And the canneries are going to have their hands full this season without mixing into a scrap over local prices of fresh fish. You've heard about the new regulations?"

"'The Rancho de las Sombras," read Octavia from a sheet of violently purple typewriting, "'is situated one hundred and ten miles southeast of San Antonio, and thirty-eight miles from its nearest railroad station, Nopal, on the I. and G. N. Ranch, consists of 7,680 acres of well-watered land, with title conferred by State patents, and twenty-two sections, or 14,080 acres, partly under yearly running lease and partly bought under State's twenty-year-purchase act.

We held our little house on lease; the owner was a mean, saving old man named Pettigrew, who lived in a villa adorned with plaster images of dogs and goats, at Overcastle, and in spite of our specific agreement, he would do no repairs for us at all. He rested secure in my mother's timidity.

You would humble me from a saint to a very common sinner“It must be done, sirreturned the lady, with a half-concealed smile, “though it degrades you from an angel to a man“But you forget the farm“He can lease it, as others do. Besides, would you have a clergyman toil in the fields“Where can he go? You forget Louisa

There's nobody else I care to write to; but somehow I want you to know that I haven't got a very long lease of life. Doctors tell me this. My heart isn't much good for the ordinary everyday uses a man wants to put his heart to, and soon it may decide to strike work.

This city should build future extensions of the street railway system and lease them to the highest bidder. This city should buy and operate the street railway system. The street railway company in this city should be required to pave and care for all the streets through which it runs.

"No one would think you had just got a new lease of your property, and escaped a great swindle. What's the matter with you? Miss De Haro passed us just now. It was she who spoke to the Senator. Why did you not recognize her?" "I was thinking," said Thatcher gloomily. "Well, you take things coolly! And certainly you are not very demonstrative towards the woman who saved you to-day.