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Yours must be a very noble nature that will do so much to serve a helpless lady without any hope of guerdon." "Nay, nay," I answered lightly, "you must not make so much of it. It would never have sorted with my inclinations to have turned man-at-arms. This ring, Madonna, that once has served you, I beg that you will keep, for it may serve you again." "I could not, Lazzaro!

The first is a grim enough colony, for thither are the male lunatics of Venice deported; but the second, with a graceful eastern campanile or minaret, a cool garden and warm red buildings, is alluring and serene, being no other than the island of S. Lazzaro, on which is situated the monastery of the Armenian Mechitarists, a little company of scholarly monks who collect old MSS, translate, edit and print their learned lucubrations, and instruct the young in religion and theology.

I believe I took it all in from the first moment just how you had undertaken it for the sake of the poor Signora, and how then you had forgotten the Signora and forgotten yourself." They were silent again, while the gondola rounded San Lazzaro and turned toward home. "Do you know what I thought of while I was listening to you?"

After them, indeed, their successors were enabled to attain to it through seeing excavated out of the earth certain antiquities cited by Pliny as amongst the most famous, such as the Laocoon, the Hercules, the Great Torso of the Belvedere, and likewise the Venus, the Cleopatra, the Apollo, and an endless number of others, which, both with their sweetness and their severity, with their fleshy roundness copied from the greatest beauties of nature, and with certain attitudes which involve no distortion of the whole figure but only a movement of certain parts, and are revealed with a most perfect grace, brought about the disappearance of a certain dryness, hardness, and sharpness of manner, which had been left to our art by the excessive study of Piero della Francesca, Lazzaro Vasari, Alesso Baldovinetti, Andrea dal Castagno, Pesello, Ercole Ferrarese, Giovanni Bellini, Cosimo Rosselli, the Abbot of S. Clemente, Domenico del Ghirlandajo, Sandro Botticelli, Andrea Mantegna, Filippo, and Luca Signorelli.

It is so Venetian, indeed, that it wants but a few silent gondolas and noisy gondoliers, in place of the dark, taciturn oarsmen of the clumsy native boats, to complete the coming and going illusion; and there is no good reason why the rough little isles that fill the bay should not call themselves respectively San Giorgio and San Clemente, and Sant' Elena and San Lazzaro: they probably have no other names!

It is a matter upon which he may insist." She looked at me for a moment with anguish in her eyes that turned my misery into torture. "Lazzaro," she moaned, "was ever woman so beset! I think that Heaven must have laid some curse upon me." Her face was close to mine. I stooped forward and kissed her on her brow. "May God have you in His keeping, Madonna mia," I murmured. "The sun is gone."

Ramiro's plan would suffer no frustration through my discovery; when to-morrow the sacrilege was discovered the cold body of Lazzaro Biancomonte lying beside the desecrated bier would be but an item in the work of profanation they would find an item that nowise would modify the conclusion to which I anticipated they would come.

She repelled him, and the bitter Jew thereupon so poisoned her husband's mind with accusations against her chastity, that he took her home to his town of Lazzaro, and there put the unhappy and innocent lady to death by the headsman's hand in the great square of the city.

Their brightness seemed to increase a moment, and then I saw that she was quietly weeping. "And you were there to save me, Lazzaro?" she murmured brokenly. "Lazzaro mio, it seems that you are ever at hand when I have need of you. You are indeed my one true friend the one true friend that never fails me." "Are you feeling stronger, Madonna?" I asked abruptly, roughly almost. "Yes, I am stronger."

Madonna paid him no heed; indeed, she appeared not to have heard him, for her eyes continued to look past him and at me. At last her lips parted, and although she scarcely seemed to raise her voice above a whisper, the word uttered reached my ears across the stillness of the great room, and the word was "Lazzaro!"