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A pair of drunken swine. But even in their intoxication, for by now after four cocktails each, neither was sober, there was a great difference between Chaplin, rough and vulgar, and Lawson: Lawson might be drunk, but he was certainly a gentleman. At last he got out of his chair, a little unsteadily. "Well, I'll be getting along home," he said. "See you before dinner."

But these others, these successful ones, they too had sprung from nothing, but out here in the Orient they had become important. Through the possession of certain qualities which Lawson did not possess, they had become large and prominent in the community. They referred to themselves, among each other, as "younger sons." Which left one to infer that they were of distinguished lineage.

The half-term had just passed, and they did not expect to go home for the Christmas holidays for another four or five weeks, until one day Miss Lawson became very ill, and her sister, Miss Rosina, was sent for.

"That's done clean and sure enough," he said, with professional calmness. "And he's a cool hand, is that Dr. Lawson. But have you found anything more? We shall want all we can get." "We shall," Hewitt assented, "and we shall find more than we've got now, or I'm grievously mistaken. But tell me first what you've done."

She ran briskly down the stairs for long years she had not flown with such alertness rapid visions of gold, of splendor, and triumph seemed to bear her along, as if she had not been a being of earth. She was not disappointed, for there, at the open door, stood John Lawson. He was enveloped in a cloak of fur, the costliness of which told Mrs.

Then addressing the adjutant, "Mr. Lawson, let a couple of files be sent immediately to remove the body of their officer." "That shot which I heard from the common, as I approached, was not fired at random, then, I find," observed the adjutant, as they all now hastily descended to join their men. "Who has fallen?" "Murphy, of the grenadiers," was the reply of one near him.

And more than ever inspired with faith, in the decrees of an All-Wise Providence, Phillip Lawson fully resolved to hold his peace. "I feel that I am doing what is right in the sight of Heaven, and that thought gives me double resolution." Mr. Lawson's soliloquy was interrupted by the entrance of a domestic who came to take his place. Mrs.

Therefore he, Lawson, was employed by Government to suppress these gambling houses, to keep the servants from stealing and pawning their liveries, making embarrassment in the big, foreign-style houses, making amusement and consternation and scandal. He had happened along shortly after this affair, and so obtained the appointment.

"Yes, and I came near driving you to kill me, too. Duane, you talked me out of it. For Ray's sake! She'll be in here in a minute. This'll be harder than facing a gun." "Hard now. But I hope it'll turn out all right." "Duane, will you do me a favor?" he asked, and he seemed shamefaced. "Sure." "Let Ray and Ruth think Lawson shot you. He's dead. It can't matter.

Shortly after the failure of this expedition, the sad effects of a long protracted drought called forth a more general spirit of enterprise and exertion among the settlers; and Mr. Oxley makes honorable mention of the perseverance and resolution with which Lieut. Lawson, of the 104th regiment, accompanied by Messrs. Blaxland and Wentworth, conducted an expedition into the Blue Mountains.