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He had once had the morbid curiosity to watch, in an English law-court, the face and attitude of a woman a surgeon's wife standing in the dock to be sentenced to death. It seemed to him now that Olivia Guion stood like her with the same resoluteness, not so much desperate as slightly dazed.

Granting even that something of the kind did happen, it happened in Sicily: we are at Delphi; we are not called upon to interfere. Do we propose to abandon the temple for the law-court? Are we, whose office it is to sacrifice, and minister to the God, and receive his offerings, are we to sit here debating whether certain cities on the other side of the Ionian sea are well or ill governed?

Fenton writes: 'December 18, 1883. 'I knew all the parties concerned well, and it is quite true, valeat quantum, as the lawyers say. Incidents of this sort are not infrequent among the Maoris. 'F.D. FENTON, 'Late Chief Judge, Native Law-Court of N.Z. 'While at sea, on board the "Beagle," he said one morning to Mr.

The chief civil law-court in Scotland the Court of Session had overruled the decisions of the chief spiritual court the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland and installed, by the help of soldiers, in the parishes, which patronage had presented to them, two ministers, disliked by their respective congregations, and resolutely rejected by them, though neither for moral delinquencies nor heretical opinions.

And the greatest of all delights that a law-court can give us is a disingenuous witness who is quick-minded, resourceful, thoroughly master of himself and his story, pitted against a counsel as well endowed as himself.